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News archive 1997-2008
Public Research & Regulation Initiative (PRRI)

August 7, 2018

Three proposals to ensure that the EU does not miss out on the opportunities offered by plant genome editing

July 20, 2018

Over sixty organizations and scientific leaders address an open letter to Jean-­Claude Juncker - Three proposals to ensure that the EU does not miss out on the opportunities offered by plant genome editing
Plus de soixante organisations et personnalités adressent une lettre ouverte au Président Jean-­Claude Juncker : Trois propositions pour que l’Union Européenne ne laisse pas échapper les opportunités offertes par l’édition génomique
Offener Brief an EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Juncker - Drei Vorschläge zur Nutzung der Möglichkeiten von Genome Editing in der Europäischen Union

October 13, 2017

Global Plant Council statement on the regulation of gene-edited plants

July 24, 2017

Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI) letter to the European Commission on the Rule of Law, Better Regulation and the EU GMO legislation

October 21, 2016

New breeding solutions for new farmers challenges - Presentations, moderator’s notes and links from the October 11, 2016 event

October 18, 2013

Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI) and farmers organisations express concerns about EU GMO policies and regulations
El PRRI expresa su preocupación por las políticas europeas sobre OMGs

December 3, 2012

PRRI pide rigor científico a los políticos de la Unión Europea al tratar asuntos de Biotecnología

October 11, 2010

Public technology research towards food security and sustainable agriculture


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