April 22, 2015
New rules on GMO trade would end Eueopean Union internal market
April 15, 2015
EU food and feed chain partners reject EU Commission move to undermine the Internal Market for Agri-food products
March 9, 2015
Launch of EuropaBio's Trade Talk blog
March 2, 2015
EuropaBio launches Growing Voices ‘Trade Talk’ blog EuropaBio lanza ‘Trade Talk’, un espacio sobre la importación de OMGs en la Unión Europea
European Union - GMO agreement: a stop sign for innovation
January 28, 2015
From leader to laggard: Europe behind all other continents on genetically modified crops
January 13, 2015
Licence to ban safe GM crops undermines innovation and the single market
January 12, 2015
Time for the European Commission to authorize safe GMO imports - Unprecedented delays risk trade disruptions and threaten animal feed supplies
December 4, 2014
EuropaBio rechaza la nueva normativa europea de OMGs que priva a los agricultores de sus libertades
Non cultivation agreement on genetically modified crops undermines innovation and the single market
October 22, 2014
Spanish farmers lead the European innovation in the cultivation of maize
October 20, 2014
Lo que dice la gente sobre la seguridad de los OMGs
October 6, 2014
2nd edition of European Biotech Week opens across Europe More than 100 activities and events planned in 11 countries to showcase and discuss the benefits of biotech, 06 to 12 October 2014
September 23, 2014
New Agri-Food Chain Coalition calls for stronger EU policy focus on innovation, jobs, sustainability - Groups to present bold vision to MEPs at reception in European Parliament on 23 September
September 15, 2014
What’s new on Growing Voices: an online platform to think again about GM crops in Europe
July 22, 2014
What is the approval process for import of GMOs in the EU?
July 10, 2014
New Council of International Biotech Associations formed: group’s membership represents six continents
June 12, 2014
European biotech industry disappointed with ministers’ agreement to renationalise decisions on GM crops cultivation - Decision contrary to the spirit of the EU common market
June 4, 2014
Europe’s Agri‐Food Businesses call for an EU policy shift towards innovation
June 2, 2014
Undue delays in EU authorisation of safe GM crops La Unión Europea acumula retrasos de 44 años en aprobación de OMGs
February 14, 2014
New worldwide studies find significant benefits from biotech crops: GMO cultivation up 15 percent in Europe
February 13, 2014
When politics trumps science: The curious case of the EU's GMO authorisation system (Euractiv)
February 12, 2014
EuropaBio statement on General Affairs Council meeting on GM maize 1507
February 3, 2014
Approvals of GM crops in the European Union - January 2014 update
January 23, 2014
Growing Voices encourage consumer rethink on GM crops: High profile guests highlight current and future GM health benefits at launch of discussion platform
EuropaBio appoints new director of agricultural biotechnology division
January 22, 2014
Launch of "Growing Voices" - Healthy food – The Untold story of GM crops
‘Growing Voices’, lo último sobre biotecnología agraria y alimentaria en la Unión Europea
December 5, 2013
French President Hollande shows his support for agricultural biotech
November 29, 2013
Cultivo de maíz Bt ha permitido la reducción de las importaciones de maíz en España en más de 853 mil toneladas desde 1998 Since 1998, thanks to Bt maize cultivation, maize imports into Spain have been reduced by more than 853,000 tonnes
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