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Vegetable crops

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All Africa Asia/Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East North America


September 18, 2024

USA - Georgia vegetable production may expand as a result of climate change

September 16, 2024

Aumenta un 18% la superficie de calabaza butternut en España - Sakata, líder en semillas de calabaza, prevé una campaña con buenas expectativas

Joaquín Navarro, Sakata Seed Ibérica: "The area devoted to butternut squash has increased by 18% in Spain" (Fresh Plaza)

September 10, 2024

China 2024 tomato crop & industry situation

August 2, 2024

Rising consumer demand reshapes landscape for U.S. organic farmers

July 18, 2024

How the ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Spain

July 12, 2024

China - Specialty crop market situation and trends from 2017 to 2023

July 8, 2024

España - El mercado de tomate fresco, tendencias y retos

June 14, 2024

Diversifying maize monocropping in Benin with vegetables

June 11, 2024

The processing tomato sector in Hungary

June 6, 2024

Mexico - Tomatoes and products, annual report

May 23, 2024

Harvesting opportunities: The untapped potential of Ghana's vegetable sector

May 2, 2024

Sector study on horticulture in Portugal

March 26, 2024

Meloni: campagna in anticipo in Sicilia - Superfici stabili a livello nazionale

Two new tomato processing plants to open in India (Tomato News)

March 19, 2024

Euromonitor 2023: the global canned tomatoes market
Le marché mondial des conserves de tomate

March 12, 2024

The processing tomato market in Africa

March 4, 2024

Poland as the largest producer of pumpkins in the EU

February 20, 2024

The Italian tomato processing industry: Ismea 2024 report (part 2) (Tomato News)

February 15, 2024

Horticulture in Côte d'Ivoire: A blossoming industry

February 12, 2024

Tendenze Ortaggi n.1/2024 - Gennaio 2024 - Focus conserve di pomodoro (ISMEA Mercati)
The Italian tomato processing industry: Ismea 2024 report (part 1) (Tomato News)

December 19, 2023

Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2022

December 5, 2023

Tomato Bites by Morning Star, November 2023 Special edition release (Tomato News)

October 31, 2023

2022/2023 architecture of the tomato products trade

September 22, 2023

Côte d’Ivoire: the resonance of the vegetable sector in the Northern region

September 20, 2023

Sénégal - Manque de semences à trois mois de la campagne horticole : L’Interprofession oignon au Sénégal affiche ses inquiétudes (Leral)

September 19, 2023

Sénégal - Oignons : l’Interprofession alerte sur le manque de semences (Sénégal Agriculture)

July 14, 2023

Hungary: The new era of the watermelon

University of Florida experts: Florida watermelon growers sold a bumper crop this year – and still lead the nation in production

June 14, 2023

Gemüseverbrauch in Deutschland: 27 Prozent sind Tomaten


Better Food Venture's
AgTech Landscape 2019



2019 THRIVE Top 50
landscape map


Concentration in Seed Markets - Potential Effects and Policy Responses

(OECD December 2018)

Visualizing Consolidation
in the Global Seed Industry

Seed Industry Structure

Phil Howard
Associate Professor
Michigan State University


2017 Seed Company Family Tree
Ccreated Septebmer 2017
by Robert Walsh
WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

Syngenta Brands Family Tree
Ccreated January 2017 by Robert Walsh, WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

World Vegetable Map 2018



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