S.G.L. GmbH
Saatbau Linz
Saf agr’iDées
Sakata Seed Iberica SL
Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.
Savia Biotech S.A.
Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)
SECOBRA Saatzucht GmbH
Seed NL
Seed Technology Ltd
Seed Valley
SeedNL Partnership
Seipasa, S.A.
Selecta One Group
Semences de France
Semences LG
Semences paysannes
Semillas Fitó
Semillas LG
SGS Group
Società Italiana Sementi (SIS)
Sorghum ID
Southern Denmark University
Spain, Government
Strube D & S GmbH
Strube GmbH & Co. KG
Swedish Board of Agriculture - Jordbruksverket
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Swiss Granum
Swiss National Science Foundation
Syngenta Agro GmbH
Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc.
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
Syngenta Crop Protection UK Ltd
Syngenta Deutschland
Syngenta España S.A.
Syngenta Flowers
Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
Syngenta France S.A.S.
Syngenta Iberia
Syngenta Italia S.p.a.
Syngenta Nederland
Syngenta Schweiz
Syngenta Seeds - S&G Brand
Syngenta Seeds B.V.
Syngenta Seeds Ltd. (UK)
Syngenta Seeds SA (España)
Syngenta UK Ltd.
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