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February 6, 2013
El gobierno de Pakistán demanda más biotecnología en el país
February 1, 2013
Científicos australianos trabajan en el desarrollo de cultivos tolerantes al calor
January 16, 2013
Texas AgriLife Extension cotton economist shares observations on China trip
January 13, 2013
AgBioForum Volume 15, Number 3 now available online
January 4, 2013
Brasil - Empresária do algodão colorido está entre os 100 brasileiros mais influentes
December 12, 2012
CSIRO cotton research in Narrabri turns 40
November 26, 2012
Do GM crops increase yield?
November 15, 2012
USA - The Accord: Generic Event Marketability and Access Agreement is now effective
October 31, 2012
Cotton bollworm adapting to Bt cotton in China via diverse mutations (ISB News Report)
September 18, 2012
Liberación del algodón GM evitará engaños con bolsas blancas, dicen (ABC Color)
September 9, 2012
Semillas de algodón crearán mejores oportunidades de rendimiento a los productores, según el Ministro de Agricultura Enzo Cardozo (La Nacion)
August 26, 2012
Paraguay - Mitos y verdades sobre el algodón transgénico al margen de ideologías (UltimaHora)
August 25, 2012
Paraguay - El Presidente Federico Franco defiende a las semillas transgénicas (UPI)
August 24, 2012
Confederation of Mexican Cotton Association believes that biotechnology is an important tool in increasing yields and reducing pesticide usage in Mexico
August 8, 2012
Development of Bt cotton for biosafety in Pakistan
July 17, 2012
Paraguay - Guillermo Caballero Vargas cree que no habrá monopolio de Monsanto con semillas transgénicas (La Nacion)
July 12, 2012
El cultivo de algodón transgénico contribuye al control biológico del campo
July 3, 2012
Gentechnik erhöht Erträge und Lebensstandard von Kleinbauern - Forscher der Universität Göttingen belegen positive Auswirkungen des Anbaus von Genpflanzen
June 21, 2012
Trouble on the horizon for GM crops?
June 14, 2012
La culture de coton Bt favorise un service écosystémique, la régulation biologique
June 13, 2012
Widespread adoption of Bt cotton and insecticide decrease promotes biocontrol services (Nature)
June 8, 2012
Burkina Faso to continue growing Bt cotton
May 15, 2012
India loses faith in GM cotton - Maharashtra state government orders German seed company to compensate farmers as cotton hybrids fail to deliver (The Guardian)
May 8, 2012
India - Government refutes Bt cotton failure as reasons for farmers suicide (The Economic Times)
May 4, 2012
IFPRI Discussion Paper - Measuring the contribution of Bt cotton adoption to India’s cotton yields leap
April 24, 2012
Context Network releases White Paper: “Global Crop Production Systems and Technology: an assessment of top producing countries in corn, cotton, soybeans and canola”
April 9, 2012
Better cotton? It’s all in the genes, says Israeli geneticist (The Times of Israel)
April 5, 2012
Biotechnology can increase cotton production in Nigeria (Daily Times)
April 2, 2012
Ancient Egyptian cotton unveils secrets of domesticated crop evolution
March 30, 2012
Los billetes de euro están hechos con algodón transgénico
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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