August 10, 2023
How can Spanish tomatoes face competition from Morocco and the Netherlands?
August 4, 2023
Laws and regulations enabling and restricting Africa’s vegetable seed sector
August 16, 2022
L'Algérie peut-elle produire ses propres semences maraîchères ? (TSA Algérie)
September 23, 2021
Seed takes center stage - The Africa Vegetable Breeding Consortium (AVBC) annual workshop is the public/private platform for collaboration to ensure Africa’s vegetable producers get the seed they need
March 11, 2021
Adding more greens to Africa’s Green Revolution - The vegetable seed sector in sub-Saharan Africa has received little attention in the development agenda
June 3, 2020
How does the European Patent Office's opinion G 3/19 (Pepper) on patentability of plants and animals affect South Africa (International Law Office)
August 15, 2019
International Vegetable Breeding: A Strategy to Create Development Impact at Scale (World Vegetable Center)
May 21, 2019
Infrared: broadening the industry focus beyond just the Brix value (Tomato News)
September 13, 2018
Overcoming knowledge barriers to attain nutritional security and higher income for farmers in Nigeria
August 16, 2017
Plant breeder consolidation predicted - Dutch corporate finance company Oaklins says the horticulture market went through a globalisation wave which is now being followed by another consolidation (HorticultureWeek) Horticulture Week
Plant breeder consolidation predicted - Dutch corporate finance company Oaklins says the horticulture market went through a globalisation wave which is now being followed by another consolidation (HorticultureWeek)
Horticulture Week
May 23, 2017
L’Association des Semenciers Obtenteurs de Légumes (ASOL Maroc) joue un rôle capital dans le secteur maraîcher au Maroc (AgriMaroc)
November 30, 2016
World's horticultural scientists hear growing vegetables not rice is key to ending hunger and poverty (ABC)
June 14, 2016
A wap of where your food originated may surprise you (KQED)
April 10, 2016
Policy and institutional frameworks impacting on vegetable seed production and distribution systems in Cameroon
July 31, 2015
This painting shows how much humans have changed watermelons (Business Insider)
June 11, 2015
Preventing the Mediterranean diet from vanishing into the sea - New report explores effects of lifestyle changes, globalization on world’s model diet
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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun
12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants
The Triumph of Seeds
How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History
By Thor Hanson Basic Books
Hybrid The History and Science of Plant Breeding Noel Kingsbury The University of Chicago Press
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