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QQ&A with Abundant Produce's research manager Graham Brown - Abundant Produce’s origins in science

October 10, 2016

by Josephine Crimmins

QQA: I understand that you founded Abundant Produce around five years ago, but your career in plant science and breeding started some time before that?
Graham Brown: Oh yes, quite some time. I joined Sydney University’s Plant Breeding Institute in 1973, helping survey cereal rust pathogenicity – the ability of a type of fungus to damage cereal crops like wheat. The surveys continue to this day, as a vital service to the grains industry, but my focus shifted to breeding durable, rust resistant wheat, an area I worked in until the 1990’s.
QQA: Which is when you moved to horticulture?
Graham Brown: That’s right. The University expanded into horticultural breeding and related research on cytology, embryology, pathology, and propagation of flowers and turf grasses.
QQA: Which is where Nuflora comes into the picture? Can you tell us a little more about that?
Graham Brown: At first the University entered into a joint venture with a local business called PPPA to breed new flowering plant varieties. Following initial successes, Nuflora was formed as the best vehicle to translate the intellectual property into an ongoing royalty business.
QQA: And this new business model worked?
Graham Brown: It did. NuFlora, which is 38% owned by the university, was an Australian first in profitable plant development and in exploiting desirable traits in Australian Native species. We became internationally recognised, developing more than 150 new varietals. 
We brought new plants to market including Argyranthemum, Blue Sutera, Double Trailing Petunia, Tiny Tunia, Arctotis and Double Gazania. 
QQA: A clear win/win situation, all around, then. So Nuflora paved the way for Abundant?
Graham Brown: Its success opened the door, of course, but did more than that. Nuflora’s breeding programs are based on the philosophy of releasing ‘minimum input’ varieties. This means breeding plants with reduced requirements for water, fertilizer and pesticides. They also focus on developing broad heat-range tolerances.
We’ve adopted similar breeding philosophies at Abundant, starting with cucumbers and tomatoes - both huge food crops - and moving to capsicums, zucchinis, eggplants, chillis, and pumpkins.
Additionally, Nuflora provides the contractual framework that allows Abundant Produce to contribute to, and share, university resources including staff, greenhouses and research labs. And of course profits.

The art of mixing business with scientific research

QQA: You’re both a Research Associate at Sydney University’s Plant Breeding Institute, and Research Manager at Abundant Produce, which is a publically listed company. Is it difficult being part of a traditional research institution and a fast moving, export-oriented commercial enterprise at the same time?
Graham Brown: Haha, well fortunately I have some very capable colleagues at both.
Actually it’s a match made in Heaven. With the help of the extra resources and commercial focus that Abundant brings to the table, the Plant Breeding Institute was able to expand into new areas of research, and attract and equip more students and researchers. 
From Abundant’s point of view, the advantages are at least as great.
In international science and research circles, Australia has a great reputation for its plant science and agricultural knowledge.
International consumers also see Australia as a safe, ‘clean and green’ food producer, perfectly placed geographically to feed the growing Asian middle class demand for fresh fruits and vegetables. In China particularly, Australian food is in great demand. The Australian brand represents food safety and healthiness.
After the Second World War Australia developed a tradition for breeding  vegetable crops suited to local conditions. But in the eighties and nineties, our breeders were bought by European multinationals with deep pockets . The problem is, the breeding tends to focus on Central European conditions.
That’s where Sydney University comes in. It has extensive greenhouse and laboratory resources and, of course, world class scientists. The cost for Abundant to replicate all of these resources would be prohibitive, not to mention wasteful. Instead Abundant has access to cutting-edge resources at a cost that allows us to compete with big overseas breeders.
QQA: What about cultural clashes between the academic institution and the commercial enterprise?
Graham Brown: These days universities are commercial enterprises, and Sydney University’s Plant Breeding Institute has a long tradition of working with business, so it’s something of a leader in that regard. 
In fact, Sydney University’s involvement in cereal rust research and wheat breeding (a fungus that damages cereal plants, including wheat) dates back to the 1920s. These days, the Institute’s rust research group is one of the largest in the world and it’s primarily funded by the grains industry. Rust resistance saves Australian grain growers hundreds of millions of dollars each year – so this is a valuable commercial partnership.
QQA: It sounds like this approach – a university working closely with a commercial enterprise – ties in with Australia’s increasing emphasis on innovation.
Graham Brown: Certainly. Modern research & innovation projects are regularly funded by a raft of arrangements including internal university funding; research contracts and co-operative arrangements with businesses; and competitive grants from Government agencies.
QQA: Does Abundant Produce access government grants and concessions to help fund it’s research?
Graham Brown: We certainly do. The result is a true win/win – a new area of research for the University, onshore innovation and employment for the Australian taxpayer, and a very competitive R&D cost base for Abundant’s shareholders.

More news from:
    . Abundant Produce Pty. Ltd.
    . NuFlora

Website: http://abundantproduce.com/

Published: October 10, 2016

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