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International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

March 5, 2024

La COP16: ¿la agricultura contribuye a la biodiversidad?

August 30, 2022

How do quality seed systems impact food and nutrition security?

May 9, 2022

Call to action for fit-for-purpose and resilient native tree seed systems that meet global forest and landscape restoration targets during the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

October 20, 2021

Crop diversity is needed today for tomorrow’s food security and nutrition - Science can help mitigate, stem, and reverse loss of genetic diversity, for better productivity, resilience, and adaptive capacity in agriculture, a new study shows

July 8, 2021

Community seed banks as seed producers: Cases from India, Nepal, Uganda and Zimbabwe

April 23, 2021

Researchers lobby for seed banks to ensure diversity, food security

November 2, 2020

What digital revolution? Hundreds of millions of farmers still cannot get online

September 21, 2020

Farmer knowledge is key to finding more resilient crops in climate crisis - A warming climate threatens crop diversity; the 'Seeds for Needs' approach combines farmers' knowledge of resilient crops with 'elite' varieties identified by scientists

August 31, 2020

Eating your vegetables is easier said than done - The landmark EAT-Lancet report on food in the Anthropocene sets ambitious targets; putting it into action, however, will require policymakers to make sustainable food systems a top-level priority; a new article charts a path forward

June 11, 2020

An essential sustainable farming practice faces one big limitation: Land to produce seeds

Caring for the seeds of the future during the quarantine

June 27, 2019

World not prepared for next plant health emergency, scientists warn

Urgent need for a global surveillance system to detect and halt spread of emergent plant health threats

The world needs a global system to detect and halt the spread of emerging crop diseases

January 24, 2019

Le roi des fèves - Grâce à des années de collecte de spécimens de haricots issus du monde entier, un ingénieur a constitué, en Colombie, une gigantesque banque de semences (Courrier international)

June 9, 2016

'Foreign' crops dominate national food consumption and farming practices worldwide - Nearly 70 percent of the crops contributing calories, fat, and protein in a country's diet historically originate elsewhere, new study shows

January 20, 2016

New study finds most African smallholder farmers actively shopping for seeds, but mainly through local ‘informal’ markets largely ignored by seed initiatives - Extensive survey raises red flag for reliance on formal markets to deliver critical crop varieties, while also refuting assumption that most farmers rely on saved seed


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