May 16, 2022
Seed systems and markets: Reflection on policy progress and political economy
April 23, 2020
IFPRI, IRRI, CIMMYT, WorldFish make joint call for measures to avert risk to food system (Dhaka Tribune)
June 18, 2019
Performance of direct seed marketing pilot program in Ethiopia: Lessons for scaling-up (IFPRI)
June 15, 2016
2016 Global Nutrition Report - Malnutrition is becoming the “new normal” across the globe
April 5, 2016
2016 Global Food Policy Report: How we feed the world is unsustainable
March 4, 2016
Is the global seed industry investing in smallholders? New report measures private sector engagement
November 3, 2014
GM agricultural technologies for Africa: a state of affairs
October 3, 2014
GM agricultural technologies for Africa: A state of affairs
April 19, 2014
Importance of rice research and development in rice seed policies - Insights from Nigeria
February 13, 2014
Estudio del IFPRI evidencia cómo las agro tecnologías pueden incrementar la productividad del campo y reducir el precio de los alimentos y el hambre para el 2050
February 12, 2014
Agricultural Technologies could increase global crop yields as much as 67 percent and cut food prices nearly in half by 2050 - New study identifies most promising agricultural tools for feeding the world’s poorest
December 11, 2013
Climate change and agriculture in East Africa
December 6, 2013
Genetically modified crops in Africa - Economic and policy lessons from countries south of the Sahara
November 15, 2013
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) 10 years out: how have countries fared in agricultural development? Après dix années de PDDAA, où en est le développement agricole en Afrique ?
October 14, 2013
Global Hunger Index calls for greater resilience-building efforts to boost food and nutrition security
October 10, 2013
Socioeconomic considerations in biosafety decisionmaking - Methods and implementation
September 3, 2013
Climate change and agriculture in southern Africa - New book helps region understand what might be in store and what to do about it
December 18, 2012
The quiet revolution in staple food value chains
October 25, 2012
Agricultural R&D spending on the rise, but low-income countries continue to lag behind
August 8, 2012
Orange sweet potato makes the case that biofortification works
August 6, 2012
Effectively responding to the drought in the United States can prevent another global food crisis
July 11, 2012
Farmers' income study stirs up GM cotton debate
May 4, 2012
IFPRI Discussion Paper - Measuring the contribution of Bt cotton adoption to India’s cotton yields leap
April 19, 2012
Climate change and farmers - Upcoming IFPRI report offers insight into “extreme” problem
December 2, 2011
Leading BRICS+ researchers recommend agricultural work program to Climate Change Convention negotiators
July 1, 2011
The price and trade effects of strict information requirements for genetically modified commodities under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (IFPRI Discussion paper)
June 13, 2011
Improving investments, policies, and productivity is critical to combating hunger and malnutrition
April 13, 2011
Agricultural R&D in Africa
June 23, 2010
A “business as unusual” approach must be adopted to meet the First Millennium Development goal of halving hunger
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