The second video in a six-part miniseries debuts today at the National Corn Growers Association’s YouTube page, talking about the importance of biotechnology to corn farmers as they seek ways to help feed and fuel a growing world population.
“By the year 2050, we will need to have doubled our output for the food supply,” said Jim Zimmerman, chairman of NCGA’s Trade Policy and Biotechnology Action Team. “We know it’s going to take a lot more work, and we need to have the public understand what we’re doing and why we’re trying to do it.”
Zimmerman talks about how NCGA works with agribusiness on resistance issues, is involved in coalitions to educate the public, like CommonGround and GMO Answers, and the connection to trade policy. He also defends the importance of science.
“Sound science is key to our regulatory system, and agriculture is all about science,” he said. “When we use sound science, it creates clarity of thought so that, when decisions are made, it will add to the integrity of our industry.”
Click here to watch the video. The video series will continue each week with upcoming segments on leadership, sustainability, research and federal policy. Last week’s video on ethanol can be viewed here.