March 24, 2021
Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center (PABIC) and FCCU launch a booklet on the ‘Current Status of Agricultural Biotechnology in Pakistan
January 6, 2017
Survey shows that agriculture extension officers in Pakistan need more tranning on biotech
December 31, 2013
Pakistan - Wide range research on biosafety required before taking for GE crops
August 5, 2013
Government initiatives for the renewal of biotechnology in Pakistan
April 11, 2013
GMO crops in Pakistan to convert the impact of hunger
January 2, 2013
Pakistan - Farmers, experts desire improvement in Plant Breeders Rights Bill
November 15, 2012
Pakistan needs to focus on the the benefits of agricultural biotechnology - Farmers should adopt biotechnology to increase productivity
November 8, 2012
Biotechnology will help improve farm productivity in Pakistan, say experts
August 8, 2012
Development of Bt cotton for biosafety in Pakistan
December 2, 2011
Pakistan needs biotech crops for food security
November 3, 2011
Pakistan plans to educate its farmers to grow genetically modified crops
July 22, 2011
Pakistan should join hands with China for increasing its agriculture production
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