March 2012
The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change has reviewed the scientific evidence to identify a pathway to achieving food security in the context of climate change. Food systems must shift to better meet human needs and, in the long term, balance with planetary resources. This will demand major interventions, at local to global scales, to transform current patterns of food production, distribution and consumption. Investment, innovation, and deliberate effort to empower the world's most vulnerable populations will be required to construct a global food system that adapts to climate change and ensures food security while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and sustaining our natural resource base.
Final Report (March 2012)
Final Report from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change (4.5 MB PDF)
Summary for Policy Makers (November 2011)
Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change: Summary for policy makers from the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change (PDF - 1.3 mb)
Atteindre la sécurité alimentaire dans le contexte du changement climatique: Résumé de la Commission sur l'Agriculture Durable et le Changement Climatique à l'attention des décideurs politiques (PDF)
Lograr la seguridad alimentaria ante el cambio climático: Resumen para responsables de la política de la Comisión sobre la Agricultura Sostenible y el Cambio Climático (PDF)
Background Studies
Guyomard H, Darcy-Vrillon B, Esnouf C, Marin M, Momot A, Russel M, Guillou M. 2012.
Eating patterns and food systems: critical knowledge requirements for policy design and implementation.
Paris: INRA. In preparation for Agriculture and Food Security.
Evidence from Major Assessment Reports on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change
Journal Articles
What Next for Agriculture After Durban?
A group of international agricultural experts, including many members of the Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change, have outlined a Food Security-Climate Change Road Map in Science. Read the press release for more details.
Citation: J. Beddington et al. 2012. What Next for Agriculture After Durban? Science VOL 335, 20 January 2012. DOI: 10.1126/science.1217941 (subscription required)