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Bayer CropScience AG

June 18, 2015

Interview with Marc Andrieux, Head of  Bayer SeedGrowth Technology & Services: Safety first

May 15, 2015

Bayer sees consolidation in crop chemicals, seeds (Reuters)

April 16, 2015

Interview with Marc Andrieux, Bayer CropScience Head of SeedGrowth Technology & Services, Coatings

February 2, 2015

Drohen weitere Einschränkungen bei den Beizen?

December 5, 2014

Los líderes de opinión de la juventud se reúnen en busca de soluciones a los retos futuros de la agricultura - La Cumbre Global Youth Ag se celebrará en Australia en 2015

December 2, 2014

15 minutes with Liam Condon, CEO of Bayer CropScience (Farm Industry News)

November 28, 2014

Bayer veut devenir un champion des sciences de la vie (Les Echos)

November 26, 2014

Bayer 2014 Corn and Soybean Future Forum (Farm Industry News)

November 7, 2014

American Soybean Association discusses sustainability, biotech acceptance and future trends at Bayer CropScience event in Germany

November 5, 2014

Mais e soia insieme a Francoforte (AgroNotizie)

October 31, 2014

Bayer CropScience hosts Corn & Soybean Future Forum in Frankfurt - Leading corn and soybean experts meet to discuss new approaches and promote more sustainability in future cultivation
Bayer CropScience veranstaltet "Corn & Soybean Future Forum" in Frankfurt - Führende Mais- und Sojaexperten diskutieren neue Ansätze für eine nachhaltigere Produktion

October 8, 2014

Africa keeps it interesting for Bayer business development boss (How We Made It In Africa)

June 12, 2014

Bayer CropScience interview with Garlich von Essen, General Secretary of the European Seed Association: The future of seed treatment

May 29, 2014

Interview with Martin Gruss, Head of SeedGrowth Products, Bayer CropScience: "No scientific basis for the EU Commission’s ruling"

May 12, 2014

Response from Bayer CropScience to Harvard School of Public Health study on neonicotinoids and honey bees

February 26, 2014

Ag Issues Forum addresses “What the World Needs” - Global thought leaders converge in San Antonio to discuss issues related to global food security

January 20, 2014

Bayer CropScience at the 3rd AGCO Africa Summit 2014 in Berlin, Germany: Innovations in the field will help Africa transform its agriculture and alleviate hunger and poverty
Bayer CropScience auf dem 3. AGCO Africa Summit in Berlin: Agrarinnovationen bringen die Landwirtschaft in Afrika voran und lindern Hunger und Armut

December 13, 2013

New issue of the Bayer CropScience magazine published: Farming´s Future: New insights into the agricultural landscape - Innovative cross-media concept offers various communication opportunities
Neue Ausgabe des Bayer-CropScience-Magazins veröffentlicht: Farming's Future: Neue Einblicke in die Agrarlandschaft - Innovatives crossmediales Konzept bietet vielfältige Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten

December 12, 2013

Accused of harming bees, Bayer researches a different culprit (The New York Times)

November 21, 2013

Bayer CropScience hosts Horticulture Symposium in Bonn: Fostering stakeholder dialogue to find new perspectives to reduce food losses in fresh produce and the food chain
Bayer CropScience richtet Horticulture-Symposium in Bonn aus: Förderung des Stakeholder-Dialogs zur Verringerung von Nahrungsmittelverlusten

November 19, 2013

Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers calls for greater appreciation of innovation - Interdisciplinary exchanges between around 380 scientists from 14 countries - Sscientists active in the agricultural sector were also asked which plant varieties should be developed so that they adapt more easily to changing climate conditions or can grow in areas that are not suitable for farming today
Bayer Chef Dekkers fordert mehr Anerkennung für Innovationen - Disziplinübergreifender Austausch von rund 380 Wissenschaftlern aus 14 Ländern -  Im Bereich der Agrarwirtschaft tätigen Forscher wurden außerdem gefragt, welche Pflanzensorten weiterentwickelt werden sollten, damit sie sich besser an veränderte Klimabedingungen anpassen oder auf bisher ungeeigneten Anbauflächen wachsen können

November 5, 2013

Bayer CropScience CEO Liam Condon at the 2013 World Agricultural Forum in Hyderabad, India: “Small farms are the backbone of food supply”

September 27, 2013

Pesticide product research outlook good (Farmers Weekly)

September 26, 2013

Bayer CropScience provides a glimpse of SeedGrowth innovation (Sandpoint PR)

September 18, 2013

Bayer CropScience sponsors global Youth Ag-Summit - discussing the future of agriculture
Bayer CropScience unterstützt weltweiten Jugend-Agrargipfel - Diskussionen über die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft

September 3, 2013

Worldwide issue of weed resistance takes the stage at the Farm Progress Show (Hoosier Ag Today)

August 18, 2013

Colombia - ¿Por qué Bayer invierte tanto tiempo y dinero en investigación? (El Tiempo)

August 16, 2013

Bayer CropScience celebrates 150 years of innovation; asks for 150 perspectives on the future of farming

June 7, 2013

Bayer CropScience reaches out to serve produce industry (Fresh Plaza)

May 24, 2013

European Commission’s desision a set-back for European agriculture:Decision to restrict use of neonicotinoid-containing products will not improve bee health
Entscheidung der EU-Kommission ist ein Rückschlag für die europäische Landwirtschaft: Einschränkung des Einsatzes neonikotinoidhaltiger Produkte wird Bienengesundheit nicht verbessern

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