United Kingdom
February 10, 2022
Freshly cut grass doesn’t just smell like grass. It is the scent of spring, of a football match just about to begin, or of a sunny Saturday morning at the home turf.
So open your nostrils tip your head back and take a deep breath of grass scent and enjoy it! The smell of freshly brewed coffee, freshly baked bread and freshly cut grass will encourage most nostrils to vibrate joyfully.
The Danes will much rather sniff natural scents than artificial ones. The smell of freshly baked bread is more appealing to us than perfume. Also coffee and freshly cut grass are some of the Danes favourite scents.
This is recently indicated at Søndagsavisen.dk, where a survey with more than 1,000 participants was published. Six out of 10 Danes find that the smell of freshly baked bread is one of the best scents, while less than 10 per cent think the same of perfume. They would rather tickle their nostrils with scents of coffee and freshly cut grass than with perfume.
In Denmark, many people bake their own bread. Furthermore, Denmark is a nation of coffee drinkers, and as a result hereof this scent almost all children will recognize from their childhood. And the scent of grass is associated with the home lawns, playgrounds in parks and sports facilities which also are part of the Danish daily life. Following freshly baked bread and freshly brewed coffee we find flowers, freshly cut grass and the smell of the sea as the top five Danish favourite scents.
In Britain similar studies have been made of the most popular scents. Here the smell of freshly cut grass is on the top of the Top 10 list. It is believed that scents are associated with good memories of your childhood and home. In fact, we are already developing the sense of smell before we are born.
grass breeders from DLF Seeds work with turf grass on a daily basis. "When the lawn is mowed volatile substances from where the blades of grass have been cut are released. The composition of the grass mixture affects the fragrance notes and hereby the scent, so if you are a grass geek or just a fan of great natural green grass, remember to take a big sniff next time you are at a beautiful green and freshly cut lawn"