Pre-harvest software training for Western Australian growers
Western Australia
October 12, 2010
Yield mapping training sessions in the southern grainbelt this month will help growers make the most of precision agriculture software at harvest time.
The workshops, organised by the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) and supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), will help growers use yield mapping software to manage variability within and between paddocks.
DAFWA researcher Derk Bakker said most growers now had access to precision agriculture software.
“The workshops will help growers become familiar with the software and use it to finetune their farm management,” he said.
Dr Bakker said the workshops would be conducted by precision agriculture researchers and local machinery dealers, and cover topics including:
- The use and benefits of yield maps;
- Tips for calibrating yield monitors and data management;
- Basic skills in using yield mapping software to prepare yield maps and identify management zones.
Dr Bakker said growers attending the training sessions would take home a GRDC supported DVD on how to use precision agriculture software.
The pre-harvest workshops will be held in Borden on October 13; Jerramungup on October 14; Kendenup on October 15 and Wickepin on October 19.
Post-harvest precision agriculture training courses are also planned for February and March.
“The post-harvest software training courses will look at actual yield data collected by growers this harvest and help them create production zones on their farms,” Dr Bakker said.
For more information on the workshops, contact Dr Bakker on (08) 9892 8464, 0447 877 420 or
More news from: . GRDC (Grains Research & Development Corporation) . Western Australia, Department of Primary Industries
Website: Published: October 12, 2010 |