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September 27-28, 2011

COURSE - Seed Physiology, Production and Management

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University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

University of Agriculture, Department of Crop Physiology - Faisalabad, Pakistan

Two days course on “Seed Physiology, Production and Management” followed by a one day workshop on “Seed Testing through ISTA standards” on September 29. Queries and registration: DR. Irfan Afzal, seedphysiology11@gmail.com

September 26-30, 2011

Seed Captain Program - Module Seed Priming, Dormancy & Enhancement

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Rhino Research Group

Taichung , Taiwan

This module will provide a deeper insight in seed priming, an important physiological enhancement method and its relation to seed germination and seed dormancy breakage. Theory and practicum will combine basic as well as some advanced technologies in seed priming.

September 26, 2011 - October 5, 2011

17th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2011

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International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Namyangju Sports & Culture Center - Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, Korea

September 22-22, 2011

WEBINAR - Soybean Cultivar Testing - Cultivar and accelerated aging tests

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online - Brookings, SD, United States

SGS will cover five processes used to determine soybean cultivars: hilum check and seed characteristics, seed coat peroxidase reaction. hypocotyl color seedling growout test, electrophoresis, event ID using PCR/DNA based methods

September 19-23, 2011

54º. Curso Diacom: Tetrazólio e Patologia de Sementes

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Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Embrapa Soja - Londrina , Brazil

Objetivo: apresentar tecnologia adequada para avaliar corretamente a qualidade das sementes de soja e identificar as causas de descarte de seus lotes devido à baixa germinação no teste de laboratório.

September 19-22, 2011

19th Beijing Seed Congress

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Beijing, China

September 19-30, 2011

Molecular Breeding Course 2011

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International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

IRRI Headquarters - Los Baños, Philippines

Objective: to provide hands-on training and enhance the capability of rice scientists to apply molecular technologies into on-going rice breeding programs aimed at developing high yielding varieties resistant to various biotic and abiotic stresses with improved grain an...

September 1-1, 2011

WEBINAR - Comparing corn cold test: physical, physiological and pathological testing

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SGS North America, Inc.*

Online at 10:00 am Central U.S. time - Brookings, SD, United States

September 29-29, 2011

WORKSHOP - Seed Testing through ISTA Standarts

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University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

University of Agriculture, Department of Crop Physiology - Faisalabad, Pakistan

Queries and registration: DR. Irfan Afzal, seedphysiology11@gmail.com

September 28, 2011 - October 1, 2011

3rd Scientific Conference at the IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC)

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International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR)

Gyeonggi Paldang, Korea

September 25-30, 2011

Rhizosphere 3 International Conference

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Burswood Convention Centre - Perth, WA, Australia

The aim of this conference is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for exchanging innovative ideas and methods for studying the rhizosphere, understanding its complexity and further up-scaling its functioning to better evaluate its ultimate role in ecosystem processes.

September 21-21, 2011

China Seed Workshop 2011 - "Challenges and Opportunities in China Seed Industry under New Policies"

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Jianyin Building, 14:00 ~ 17:30 - Beijing, China

1. Current situation of the seed industry in China 2. Analysis of China's seed policies 3. Opportunities in China's seed industry

September 18-20, 2011

The 15th Australian Barley Technical Symposium

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Hilton Adelaide Hotel - Adelaide, SA, Australia

"Barley for Business" is the theme of the 15th ABTS and this will be reflected in sessions addressing industry consolidation, privatisation of plant breeding and corporate investment in research.

September 17-21, 2011

19th Beijing Seed Conference

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Exhibition Center, Zhuang Hu, Wang Zuo Town - Beijing , China

A composite conference for business negotiation, trade of seed commodity, academic exchange, varieties of crops exhibition.

September 13-18, 2011

5th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture

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Friendship Hotel - Beijing, China

“Silicon and Sustainable Agricultural Development”. A forum for scientists, colleagues, students, fertilizer producers and consumers to present their most recent findings and achievements, and to exchange experiences with international partners.

September 12-16, 2011

18th Australian HACCP Conference

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Gold Coast, QLD, Australia

The conference will discuss topics such as Food Safety Culture, the value of third party audits, chemical hazards with stockfeed and organic vegetables, allegens, food safety in a natural disaster, hormones and beef, food safety in fishing vessels and due diligence.

September 12, 2011 - October 7, 2011

30th International Vegetable Training Course

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World Vegetable Center

Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia - Bangkok, Thailand

Module I: From Seed to Harvest

September 9-11, 2011

Agri Tech India 2011

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Gayathri Vihar, Palace Ground - Bangalore, India

September 7-9, 2011

Asia Fruit Logistica 2011

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Fruit Logistica

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre - Hong Kong, China

Asia's leading trade show for the international fresh fruit and vegetable business.

September 6-8, 2011

Agritech Asia 2011

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Bombay Exhibition Center, NSE Complex - Mumbai, India

Latest developments in agriculture and advanced agro-technologies, especially in the fields of irrigation, water management, arid zone agriculture, intensive greenhouse cultivation, development of new seed varieties, and organic and ecologically-oriented agriculture.

September 4-9, 2011

VII World Avocado Congress

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Cairns Convention Center - Cairns, Queensland , Australia

Held only every four years, the World Avocado Congress presents a rare opportunity for those in the avocado industry to come together to share and learn everything there is to know about our industry.




June 7-11, 2025
ASTA Leadership Summit
Washington, DC


October 29, 2025
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 10-13, 2025
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


February 15-20, 2026
ASTA Vegetable & Flower Conference
San Diego, California


November 4, 2026
ASTA Forage & Grass Seed Conference
Kansas City, MO


December 14-17, 2026
ASTA Field Crop Seed Convention
Orlando, Florida


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