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December 6-6, 2021

WEBINAR - Seed IP Year in Review: Cases, Trademarks, CRSPR & more

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Seed Innovation & Protection Alliance (SIPA)

In-person at 1:00pm CST in the Michigan 3 Room of the Hyatt Hotel + Online at 1:00-2:30 pm CST - Chicago, IL, United States

Come hear about key 2021 legal cases, court decisions or seed infringements that beneficial to your seed interests.

October 20-20, 2021

Seminar on strategies that address policies involving plant breeding and plant variety protection

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International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

Geneva, Switzerland

September 22-22, 2021

WEBINAR - Seed Innovations: What? Why? Who? How?

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Seed Innovation & Protection Alliance (SIPA)

In-person and online at 2:15-3:30 pm PST - Monterey, CA, United States

What seed innovations offer the seed sector, supply chain and consumer? Why companies invest in seed innovations? Who are behind seed innovations? How does this all work? Email: eloyc@seedipalliance.com

May 7-7, 2021

SIPA WEBINAR - Seed/Tissue Deposits - What You Need to Know!

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Seed Innovation & Protection Alliance (SIPA)

Online at 12:00 PM EST - Online, United States

The webinar will include discussions involving seed and tissue deposits crucial to your companies ability to maintain your IP. With Jeff Haynes of the USDA Plant Variety Protection Office, Mike Lomas of Bigelow Laboratory of Ocean Sciences NCMA and Renee White of the Na...

April 29-29, 2021

Do You Know @USPTO - April edition: plant patents

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U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Online 3:00 PM ET - 4:00 PM ET - Online, United States

The panel will discuss the basics of filing and prosecuting plant patents, best practices in this unique area of the law, and the role and importance of plant patents in the world of horticulture and plant breeding.

October 25-30, 2021

2nd African Plant Breeders Association (APBA) Conference

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African Plant Breeders Association (APBA)

Kigali Convention Centre + online - Kigali, Rwanda

The theme for the Conference is “Accelerating genetic gains in plant breeding for resilience and transformative food systems and economic growth in Africa”.

September 27-30, 2021

AFSTA Congress 2021

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African Seed Trade Association (AFSTA)

Diani Reef Beach Resort - Mombasa, Kenya

April 28-28, 2021

Launch event for the Collaborative Seed Programme

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National Agricultural Seeds Council (Nigeria)

Online 02:00 PM in West Central Africa - Online, Nigeria

Online launch event for the Collaborative Seed Programme. Nigerian and Dutch partners invite you to join the session and hear how the CSP will drive transformation in Nigeria's seed sector

April 22-22, 2021

WEBINAR - UQ Breeding Costing Tool - Accurate cost estimates for better decisions

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Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Online Ibadan 8_00 to 9:30 AM / Nairobi 10:00 to 11:30 AM - Online, Niger

How can breeding programs estimate the costs of breeding and its associated research activities? How can breeders make better decisions about resource allocation? Join us as we unpack and explore the UQ Breeding Costing Tool, a powerful solution for breeders and breedin...










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