The Venlo Workshops will provide a sound insight into current Patent Law in the European Union with a focus on the horticulture industry and beyond, take a practical look at the necessary qualifications for Patentability and Application, especially considering the recen...
Inquadramento normativo; Cartelli tra imprese; Regole sulla distribuzione dei prodotti; Le posizioni dominanti; Le regole della gestione degli omaggi e degli sconti; Conclusioni.
Plant & Environmental Sciences Building (Room 3001), UC Davis - Davis, CA, United States
Introduction to IP at seed companies (John Schoenecker, Director of Intellectual Property – AMPA, HM.Clause / Seed Innovation and Protection Alliance (SIPA) (James M. Weatherly, Executive Director) - The FBI Counterintelligence Strategic Partnership Program - App...
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
Online - Online, Switzerland
The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the UPOV system of plant variety protection under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. The course comprises 11 modules.
The prime international meeting of the biocontrol industry, novel and safe biological crop protection products will be presented and new trends in the global market will be discussed.
Sessions on the America Invents Act, limited/restrictive use agreements and bag/tag wording, and an update on economic espionage in the vegetable industry.
Seed Association of the Americas (SAA) / Asociación de Semillas de las Américas
El Paradisus Cancun Resort - Cancun , Mexico
La Asociación de Semillas de las Américas (SAA) y la Asociación Mexicana de Semilleros (AMSAC), tienen el agrado de invitarlo al 5to. Congreso de Semillas de las Américas y a la Convención Anual de la AMSAC.
IIPLA Global IP Summit 2015 is the next step towards the unification of IP trends worldwide, aims to create an International Forum of Intellectual Property for In-house IP lawyers, partners, IP Agencies, Law Firms and providers of other services in the legal industry.
The central theme of the meet is “Integrating IP into changing International Landscape”. The aim of the conference is to bring international IP trends on a common platform, unfold new IP Strategies and understand international IP landscape.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK Gatersleben) - Gatersleben , Germany
Seed banking – state of the art - Role of pre- and post-harvest environmental factors on seed longevity - Genetics of inter- and intra-specific variation of seed survival - Physiology and biochemistry behind seed ageing - deleterious effects vs. repair mechanisms.
The most comprehensive global rapeseed/canola event in the world. Scientists, students, policy analysts, industry managers, government, producer groups, trade associations are invited to this important event. Abstract deadline: Feb. 1, 2015
ICAR is the largest annual international conference focusing on cutting-edge plant research. It will highlight not only recent advances in Arabidopsis research, but also translational research emphasizing the importance and usefulness of Arabidopsis as a biological mode...
Session I: Seed banking - state of the art - Session II: Role of pre- and post-harvest environmental factors on seed longevity - Session III: Genetics of inter- and intra-specific variation of seed survival - Session IV: Physiology and biochemistry behind seed ageing - ...
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
The following subjects will be introduced through lectures, discussions and working groups: legal aspects, institutional aspects, technical aspects, exploitation of plant breeders rights.
Rijk Zwaan Fijnaart, Eerste kruisweg 9 - Fijnaart, Netherlands
Van 15 juni t/m 3 juli aanstaande is op ons demoveld in Fijnaart het vollegrondsassortiment te zien, waaronder diverse soorten sla, spinazie, kool, andijvie, radijs, veldsla, bleekselderij en peterselie.
Online, 3:30pm-5:30pm Eastern U.S. time - Online, United States
Speakers: Alan Bennett, Executive Director, Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture, and Distinguished Professor, University of California-Davis / Diana Horvath, President, Two Blades Foundation/ Richard Jefferson, Founder and CEO, Cambia, and Professor of...
UK PlantSci provides a unique opportunity to learn about the breadth of cutting edge plant science research in the UK, and to meet with plant scientists outside of usual networks. The meeting hosts a diverse range of talks, all held in plenary and pitched towards a gene...
This conference appeals to all stakeholders in the regulatory community from active substance manufacturers, formulating and retailing companies, regulatory authorities and the full range of service companies (law firms, consultants, laboratory service providers).
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA
Stuttgart (Vaihingen), Germany
Themen: Aktuelle Trends der Robotik im Kontext der Landwirtschaft - Potenziale der Robotertechnik für Landwirte und Landmaschinenhersteller - Spezifische Anforderungen der Landwirtschaft an die Robotik - Praxisbeispiele aus erfolgreichen Projekten
International Exhibition Centre (IEC) - Kiev, Ukraine
Leading trade event for all suppliers within the entire spectrum of the fresh produce industry. Targets Fresh Produce Production, Processing, Storage & Handling Technologies and Produce and Supply in Ukraine and other CIS Countries.
An der Tagung werden die Herausforderungen der einheimischen Züchtung und Sortenprüfung von verschiedenen Marktakteuren beleuchtet. Gleichzeitig wird von Abnehmerseite aufgezeigt, welche Anforderungen in den verschiedenen Absatzkanälen bezüglich der Rohstoffherkunft...
Schloss Schönbrunn Tagungszentrum, Apothekertrakt - Vienna, Austria
Scientific sessions will address mechanistic understanding of beneficial plant-microbe interactions, microbiome interactions, transfer of microbial applications from lab to field, formulations and registration issues. In addition, in a roundtable discussion, with stakeh...
This course offers training in the genetic analysis methodologies employed in the BBSRC funded Wheat Improvement Strategic Programme (WISP) at the John Innes Centre. Participants will gain the skills necessary to apply these methodologies in their own research.
Adjuvant innovations (tank-mix and built-in), adjuvants for biopesticides, adjuvants for foliar fertilisers, additives for seedcoatings, adjuvants and crop safety, biosurfactants.
Als Referenten werden vortragen und diskutieren Herr Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Jacobsen, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Herr Werner Schwarz, Präsident des Bauernverbandes Schleswig-Holstein und Vizepräsident des DBV und Herr Dr. Henning von der Ohe, Leiter Unternehmensentw...
The UK's national event for grounds care, sports, amenities, estates and green space management. From turf care and specialist machinery to landscaping and playgrounds, over 250 exhibitors bring the latest products, equipment and expertise to the NEC Birmingham for two ...
CBB conference series is a platform where researchers get the chance to present their latest results and getting further motivation from in-depth keynote presentations where the most important fields of cereal scinence will be introduced and summarized.
The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry.
The Congress topics will cover plant breeding, molecular genetics and biotechnology, genetic engineering and genomics, genetic resources for plant breeding, oil and protein crops
Marriott Hotel Freising, near Munich airport - Freising, Germany
The PhenoDays International Symposium addresses the phenotyping bottleneck by providing stimulating talks from internationally renowned keynote speakers from the seed industry, breeding institutes and academic breeding groups working in the plant phenotyping research a...
Exposition Universelle de Milan, Pavillon France - Milan, Italy
Ce colloque aura pour objectif de donner les grandes orientations et les solutions possibles à la problématique posée par l’Exposition universelle : « Nourrir la planète, énergie pour la vie ". La France, en tant que grand pays agricole, reconnu pour ses atouts...
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Les Salons de l'Aveyron - 17, rue de l'Aubrac - Paris, France
An opportunity to share the research findings, to assess their relevance to foster the transition towards less pesticide-dependent cropping systems and to identify future research and development priorities. The colloquium targets a wide range of stakeholders, including...
Norwich Research Park, Centrum - Norwich, United Kingdom
Cereals, oilseeds, fresh produce, herbs…..the search for new varieties with better disease resistance, yield, tolerance to environmental adversity, or just plain novelty is a major global industry.
This year’s event is aimed toward all stakeholders in the crop protection industry across Europe including manufacturers and formulators of pesticide and biopesticide products, marketing organisations, consultants, contract laboratories, academics, industry and grower...
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of seed sampling and aspects of quality assurance in relation to seed sampling for a range of species. The workshop will provide a forum to discuss seed sampling in general as well as the opportunity to have specific que...
L'objectif de ce colloque est de faire le point sur les modalités de la gestion de l’eau dans les territoires ruraux et les enjeux pour l’avenir de la filière semencière française.
Le salon des techniques bio et alternatives - Valence, France
Le concept Tech&Bio se décline depuis 2010 en Rendez-Vous thématiques régionaux. Ciblés sur un type de production, ils visent à faire découvrir les techniques de production biologiques et alternatives propres à des régions et terroirs.
During Seed meets Technology Holland shows its seed business. At trial fields and at an exhibition participants demonstrate new seed treatments, coatings, varieties and germination systems. You also experience the newest technologies for seed processing-, drying-, and ...
Open Days 2015!
The International Open Days offer you the unique possibility to see the open field crops range of both companies, discover the latest varieties and speak with our product managers and breeders.
Ook dit najaar vinden de demodagen bij Rijk Zwaan plaats. Hier staat bijna het gehele scala vollegrondsgewassen. Niet alleen bestaande rassen, maar ook nieuwe introducties.
The theme of the meeting will be centred around 'the impact of plant pathology on everyday lives', be it in the food we eat, the plants we grow in our gardens, to the trees we walk through in the woods.
The conference will present the results of the 'Durable Resistance against Phytophthora by cisgenic modification (DuRPh)' project and selected similar approaches in wheat and banana aimed at durable disease resistance.
Op de Demodag Tomaat kunt u zich zoals elk jaar een beeld vormen van het volledige tomatenassortiment van Rijk Zwaan. We hebben weer een groot aantal rassen en types te laten zien en kunnen een aantal veelbelovende nieuwkomers presenteren.
Food Safety is a public health priority; millions of people fall ill every year and many die as a result of eating unsafe food. Serious outbreaks of foodborne disease have been documented on every continent in the past decade, and in many countries rates of illnesses ar...
Comprehensive range of sessions that includes Breaking innovations in Food Science,
Preservation, Quality Standard and Systems Management, Food Processing and Packaging Technology, Nutrition and Nutritional Management,Food and Health.
Genomics and bioinformatics, ecology and evolution, integrative computational biology, systems biology, cell biology, drug discovery and integrative biology, bio-engineering, systems toxicology, tissue biology, developmental biology
Brings together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Agriculture and Biotechnology, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre - Bracknell, Berkshire, United Kingdom
A day for interdisciplinary networking organised by SCI Agrisciences Group: this event is for early career scientists working in biological, chemical, environmental and other relevant sciences and all those interested in learning about progress and meeting new talent in...
FERA Science Ltd. - Sand Hutton, York, United Kingdom
A day on Fusarium ear blight of winter wheat, with an inoculated trial showing symptoms caused by the different pathogens, cultivar evaluation, pathogen diagnostics. A day on regulations for mycotoxins, sampling and rapid test methods – especially those linked to Fusa...
Researchers from academy and industry will present and evaluate the most recent advances in understanding and combating plant biotic stress and resistance mechanisms and to define new frontiers in this field.
Will review the state of the art and progress in the knowledge of plant growth, plant responses to nutrition and environment and to set research priorities for the next era of research.
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
Edificio CIM. Antiguo Cuartel de Instrucción de Marinería - Cartagena, Murcia, Spain
Topics: genetics and breeding; genomics and biotechnology; crop production, physiology and management; biotic and abiotic stresses; fruit quality and post-harvest
Kom op donderdag 18 juni tussen 13.00 en 17.00 uur onze nieuwe rassen in ons Trial Center Tomato in Kwintsheul bekijken en evalueer met ons de positieve resultaten van de belichtingsproef met o.a. het segment tros grof.
There is special attention this year for the new jointless tomato varieties Milaneza (EZ 1324) for crops of loose tomatoes and EZ 1325 for large tomatoes on the vine. But the snack tomato Batistuta and the cocktail tomato Annisa (EZ 1359) are also worth a visit.
Designed as a platform for the rapidly growing Amphasys community, the Amphacademy offers the possibility for a scientific get-together of experienced researches and Ampha Z30 users with a clear focus on pollen analysis.
The workshop will be based on a collection of exemplary phenotyping scenarios comprising Arabidopsis and crop plants that are challenged with environmental stress factors, e.g. water or nutrient limitation, or pathogen attack. The workshop includes practical sessions.
Will bring together traders, industry representatives and policy makers to assess how this situation is likely to shape world markets. The event will focus on the increasingly pivotal role of Black Sea suppliers. Prospects for trade and logistical challenges in other re...
In recent decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their food. Public and private standards for pesticide residues have become stricter than ever before. But while there are plentiful technical solutions, the application of I...
Info: Dr. Lena Ekelund Axelson, Dept. of Work Science, Business Econ., Environmental Psychology, Box 88, S-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden. Phone: (46)40-415000, Fax: (46)40-415076, E-mail:
Conference themes: Biostimulant market review; Exploring the regulatory process; Mode of action and mechanisms: Business and strategy; Research advances and innovation
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
The overall objective of the programme is to enhance the capabilities to translate the Integrated Seed Sector Development concept into strategies for making seed programmes and policies that seek enhancement by connecting to present practices.
Rothamsted Research - Harpenden, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
This event is for anyone developing new inputs to promote crop performance in the field, including growth stimulants, soil conditioners, dust suppressants and pest management.
The conference covers a broad range of issues related to climate change adaptation under the theme ‘Integrating climate adaptation action in science, policy, practice and business’.
London Heathrow Marriott Hotel - London, United Kingdom
The event focuses on aspects such as molecular marker development, breeding, crop/ trait improvement, disease/stress resistance, evolution studies and pathology as well understanding tools to overcome bottlenecks and enable successful data analysis and managemen
The Summit will analyse the new correlations that can be formed between the grain sector and other sectors (such as energy market), the impact of new forces arising in grain trade, global trends in consumption, as well as a new problem of logistics.
The much respected one-day triennial show looks to cover every aspect of the livestock farmer's interests, from seeds to feeds, machinery demonstrations, technical advice area, seminars, clamp demonstrations and trade stands from all sectors of the industry.
Die Tagung beginnt um 10 Uhr und endet gegen 16 Uhr. Es wird keine Tagungsgebühr erhoben. Anmeldungen nimmt das DMK per E-mail unter oder per Telefax unter 0228-9265820 bis zum 27. April entgegen
Online, 5 pm Central European Summer Time (Berlin time) - Online, Germany
Aim of this webinar is to deliver latest results on heterosis in wheat, yield stability of hybrids, and methods and results for selecting on good father lines. Furthermore, different breeding methods and their optimum allocation of test resources for a maximizing gain f...
SCI, 14/15 Belgrave Square - London, United Kingdom
Aims to provide an update in several of the most exciting areas of crop research and hopes to foster the interdisciplinary understanding and collaborations essential to innovation in agriscience and technology.
Will cover topics including agrochemical discovery, resistance in weeds, pests and diseases, and advances in precision farming technologies for crop protection. Speakers will represent leading research institutes, universities and crop science companies in the UK and E...
The Genomics in Business Conference is an international conference for executive management, entrepreneurs, start-ups, leading scientists and financial experts from the agro and biotech industry. Platform to discuss trends and developments in the international agro indu...
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
Upon completion of the course you will understand current perspectives, concepts and strategies regarding the conservation and use of genetic resources and be able to apply genetic resources management strategies which covers aspect of gene bank management and on-farm m...
Association Française pour la Production Fourragère (AFPF)
FIAP Jean Monnet - Paris, France
3 sessions : La fertilité des sols dans les rotations avec cultures fourragères : quantification et qualification, Impact des nouvelles pratiques sur la fertilité des sols, Raisonner la fertilisation du sol au système fourrager.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAE)
Le Corum - Montpellier, France
Discussion sessions will be devoted to a range of topics including: metrics of adaptation, mitigation and food security; uncertainties and risks; synergies and trade offs; economics and low hanging fruits; barriers, drivers and incentives.
Rothamsted Centre for Research and Enterprise - Harpenden, United Kingdom
Among those who would receive the greatest benefit from attending this Pollinator are farmers, growers, processors, and those involved in the development of new technologies/services for precision agriculture.
Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) - Aberystwyth, United Kingdom
The spring training school’s lectures and practical exercises will cover a wide range of topics highly relevant to plant phenotyping: crop production, measuring plant phenotypes, data analysis.
The 2013 class will maintain the core curriculum delivered in the previous classes and add modules to address the most recent development in plant breeding theory and practice, including an expanded section on molecular marker use, genome selection, non-replicated desig...
The workshop will attempt to answer questions such as: What potential do European produced legumes for food have to supply our protein needs? And how can their consumption be promoted?
Participants must be early career researchers, holding a PhD (or equivalent research experience) and have no more than 10 years post-doctoral experience (equivalent to ‘Recognised Researcher’ or ‘Experienced Researcher’ categories in the EU framework for researc...
This symposium brings together international scientists and students of different disciplines that range from microbial and plant ecology to plant biochemistry and molecular biology of plants and microorganisms.
Involved and interested in plant protection issues? This congress offers you the possibility to exchange the latest ideas and knowledge with scientists, representatives, farmers, advisors, industries, policy makers and supply chain stakeholders.
HGCA's regional winter technical seminars look to help growers and agronomists drive arable businesses forward through the application of research findings.
Centre de Conférence Athènes Services - Paris, France
Cette table-ronde fera intervenir : Mme Anne-Yvonne LE DAIN - Députée de l’Hérault, Mme Christiane LAMBERT - 1ère vice-présidente FNSEA, M. Jean DONNENWIRTH - Directeur juridique et propriété intellectuelle chez Pioneer et M. Christian HUYGHE - Directeur Scient...
This course covers all theoretical and some practical subjects that are necessary for managing a professional breeding programme. It includes both basic and more complex breeding and selection methods.
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