Participation is free and is open to everybody - 'Molecular perspectives into seed priming. The seed repair response as a key player in the pre-germinative metabolism.' by Anca Macovei
+ 'Seed priming: practical commercial use and its evaluation.' by Tomoko Sakata
The webinar will explore: 1. 'Dormancy breakage for germination testing' by David Johnston. 2. 'The ecological significance of physical dormancy: from conundrum to clarity' by Ganesh K. Jaganathan. Participation is free and is open to everybody.
A joint webinar between the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS), the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), and the International Network for Seed-Based Restoration (INSR).
The winter school, which is sponsored by the ISSS, will provide an up-to-date theoretical background and the practical laboratory and statistical skills needed for the measurement, analysis and reporting of seed functional studies linked to three main functions: dispers...
'Seed Innovation Systems for the 21st Century' - Six themes: 1.Seed memory – how environment influences traits during development - 2.Seed life span – the science of maximising survival - 3.Seeds and society – local innovation systems and species added-value - 4.S...
The symposium will be an opportunity to show-case the cutting edge of seed technology, with many international speakers. The programme will cover a wide range of topics on seed and technology issues to encompass international priorities and aims and will run over 3 days...
Hotel Tauá Resort Caeté - Caeté, Minas Gerais, Brazil
The focus of Seed Ecology V will be “Seeds in the Web of Life”. Special attention will be given to the role of seeds in generating and maintaining biodiversity. The meeting will comprise keynotes, talks, and poster sessions.
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK Gatersleben) - Gatersleben , Germany
Seed banking – state of the art - Role of pre- and post-harvest environmental factors on seed longevity - Genetics of inter- and intra-specific variation of seed survival - Physiology and biochemistry behind seed ageing - deleterious effects vs. repair mechanisms.
Session I: Seed banking - state of the art - Session II: Role of pre- and post-harvest environmental factors on seed longevity - Session III: Genetics of inter- and intra-specific variation of seed survival - Session IV: Physiology and biochemistry behind seed ageing - ...