As emerging technologies radically disrupt all aspects of food and agriculture, how do we enable legal frameworks to meet this accelerated pace of innovation while leaving no one behind?
Provides a neutral forum for its members, partners, industry and opinion leaders, and other stakeholders to engage in focused dialogues on how best to make quality seeds of preferred productive, nutritious and resilient crop varieties available to farmers.
"GMOs in the pipeline: Looking to the next five years in the crop, forestry, livestock, aquaculture and agro-industry sectors in developing countries"
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The Workshop focus is on increasing scientific collaboration between European and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Universities/Research Institutions and Universities/National Agronomic Research Organizations (NAROs).
FAO headquarters Red Room (1st Floor, Building A) - Rome, Italy
Global Soil Partnership aims at promoting improved management and protection of the soils on which the worlds food production and ecosystem services crucially depend.
The symposium will cover key links in the production, supply and value chains including: securing access to land and water, integrated plant production and protection, post-harvest handling and processing technologies, product quality and safety, and marketing.