Novotel Madrid Campo de las Naciones + online - Madrid, Spain
Tailor-made for professionals within the fruit sector who are eager to delve deeper into the fascinating world of Plant Breeders’ Rights and Intellectual Property for Plants.
The Venlo Workshops will provide a sound insight into current Patent Law in the European Union with a focus on the horticulture industry and beyond, take a practical look at the necessary qualifications for Patentability and Application, especially considering the recen...
The Agenda of the Conference foresees two sessions, which will shed light onto the most anticipated topics in the field of Intellectual Property Protection for the innovation-based horticultural businesses.
Park Plaza Amsterdam Airport - Amsterdam, Netherlands
‘Greenstar Kanzi’ and other recent plant variety right cases; Essentially derived varieties post-Blancanieves; The Myriad case: patentability of isolated genes and native traits; Enforcement of IP rights for plant innovation in Bresil; Evaluation of the Community Plant ...