![](/files/423_logo.gif) HeinzSeed CA United States Web: http://www.heinzseed.com Division of The Kraft Heinz Company
Tomato seed specialists at HeinzSeed create hybrid tomato seed for the global processing industry, Roma produce industry and growers' markets. Guided by more than 50 years of breeding experience, Heinzseed has established a reputation for high field and factory yields with the Heinz Processor line of hybrids. Due to the increasing popularity of "Roma/Saladette" type tomatoes for grocery produce, Heinzseed has recently entered that market on a global basis. A third brand, Heinz Heritage, is appropriate for the farmers'/growers' markets found in all countries.
Heinzseed also offers organically produced and packaged hybrid tomato seed.
Organic certification was issued by the California Crop Improvement Association, an authorized agent of the USDA's National Organic Program.