Who's who in the group
Agrointec Solutions is a technology-based company that was born more than six years ago with the purpose of being a benchmark for the agri-food industry, both for the public and private sectors, especially, directed towards the seed sector, offering innovative solutions both in new technologies and in industrial equipment.
Cellbitec is a company founded in 2017 dedicated to the research and development of plant extracts with bioactive compounds for use as biopharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, as well as to address solutions to health needs.
Nanointec is a company specialized in the design and production of biomimetic nanoparticles for use in the fields of pharmacology, cosmetics and agriculture.
Seeds For Innovation , Seeds4i, is the business division designed to offer the seed sector plant genetic improvement services of high technological value, with four main lines: in vitro cultivation; phytopathology and plant health; phenotyping and mass genotyping; and bioinformatics.
Bullsoft Solutions is an advanced software company offering advanced solutions in the field of plant germplasm research and life science laboratory research.