Services in sensory analyses
Sensory analyses includes objective characterizations of products, by quantifying sensory characteristics of appearance, aroma, taste, and texture, to produce unique product profiles, that can be compared among similar products.
Sensory analyses also include consumer liking and preference tests, which can be used to compare products based on degree of liking, or rank of preference.
A combination of both descriptive tests and consumer liking methods can reveal characteristics of importance for the degree of liking for each product.
The services offer traditional descriptive methods and consumer tests, as well as the more newly developed list of "rapid" tests, using consumers to choose important characteristics, as well as the degree of liking for the products.
The data can be collected from any device, which allows for the possibility to evaluate products on site, as well as at home.
Lear more. Visit our website at https://senseoftaste.site/