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A&L Biologicals

A. Duda & Sons, Inc.

A. P. Whaley Seed Company

A.G. Universal Co., Ltd.

A.G.R. Seeds Ltd


AACC International

AAFC - Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada

Aakash Chemicals

Aalto University


Aardevo B.V.

Aarhus University

AASCO - Association of American Seed Control Officials

Aastha BioCare Pvt. Ltd.

AATF (African Agricultural Technology Foundation)

AB Linas Agro Group

AbacusBio Ltd.

ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences)

ABB Grain

Abbott & Cobb, Inc.

ABCIC - Africa Biodiversity Conservation and Innovations Centre

ABCSEM - Associação Brasileira do Comércio de Sementes e Mudas

ABCSEM - Associação Brasileira do Comércio de Sementes e Mudas *

Abiopep S.L.


ABM - Advanced Biological Marketing

Abovo Media

Abrar Brothers & Co.

ABRASEM - Associação Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas

ABRASEM - Associação Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas *

ABRASS - Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Sementes de Soja

ABRATES - Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes

ABRATES - Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes

Abundant Produce Pty. Ltd.

Abundant Seeds

ABZ Seeds

ABZ Seeds

ACA Semillas

Academia Sinica

Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAF)

Acadian Plant Health

Acadian Seaplants Limited


Access Plant Technology, Inc.

Access to Seeds Foundation

ACCS - Association Congolaise Pour Le Commerce des Semences

ACH Seeds

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)

ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)

Ackermann Saatzucht GmbH & Co.KG

ACLP - Agricultural Crop Licensing Platform


Acorn Seeds

ACOSEC - Association du Commerce des Semences du Cameroun

Acosemillas - Asociación Colombiana de Semillas

ACRE (Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment)


ACSDA - Association Congolaise Semences et Dévelopment Agricole

Acsen Hyveg (P) Ltd.

Acsens B.V.

Actagro LLC



Activate Ag Labs


Ad Terram BV


Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd.

Adama Brasil (Milenia Agrociências S.A.)

Adama Canada Ltd.

Adama India

Adama US

Adams Seed, Inc.

Adams-Briscoe Seed Company


Adaptive Symbiotic Technologies

Addis Ababa University

ADF Seeds

Adgen Biotechnology Ltd.

Adler Seeds

ADM - Archer Daniels Midland Company

Adosemillas - Asociación Dominicana de Procesadores, Importadores y Representantes de Semillas

ADOSEMILLAS - Asociacion Dominicana de Procesadores/Importadores de Semillas

ADP - Agronegocios del Plata

Adri Ltd.

Adri Prodcom s.r.l.

Advance Grass Solutions Ltd

Advance Seed Pty. Ltd.

Advance Seeds Co. Ltd.

Advanced Agrilytics

AdvanSeed ApS

Advanta Limited

Advanta Seed International

Advanta Seeds

Advanta Seeds International Mauritius

Advanta Seeds Pty. Ltd.

Advanta Sementes Ltda.

Advanta Semillas SAIC

Advanta US, Inc.

Advantage Wheats Pty. Ltd.

Advent Seed Processing

Aegilops Applications

AEMS Corporation

AEPLA - Asociación para la protección de las plantas

Aeres Hogeschool


Aeskulap GmbH

AFBI - Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute

Affymetrix, Inc.

Afghanistan National Seed Organization (ANSOR)

Afingen Inc.


AFPF - Association Française pour la Production Fourragère

AFPF - Association Francophone pour les Prairies et les Fourrages

Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS)

Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)

Africa Science News Service

Africa Seed Alliance (ASA)

Africa Vegetable Breeding Consortium (AVBC)


African Agricultural Leadership Institute (AALI)

African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

African Crop Science Society

African Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

African Orphan Crops Consortium

African Plant Breeders Association (APBA)


Africasia Seed Co.

Afriseed - Stewards Globe Ltd.

Afritec Seeds Ltd.

AFSSA - Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments

AFSTA (African Seed Trade Association)

AFSTA - African Seed Trade Association*

Ag Alumni Seed

Ag Armour Seeds

Ag Association Management Services, Inc.

Ag Biotech Vietnam

AG Consulting SARL

Ag Guru

Ag Leader Technology, Inc.,

Ag Partners

Ag Research Associates

Ag Software Designs, LLC

Ag Startup Engine

Ag TechInventures (AgTI)

Ag To Go, LLC



Ag-Biotech, Inc.

Ag-Seeds Unlimited

Ag-West Bio Inc.

Ag. Idea USA LLC

Aga Agro Co. Ltd.

agaSAAT Maishandelsgesellschaft GmbH & Co. KG

Agassiz Seed and Supply




AgBiome, LLC


AgBiTech Pty. Ltd.

AgCall CropInspect

AgCall Inc.

Agcarm Inc.

AGCO Corporation

Agdhi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Agdia Biofords

Agdia, Inc.


Agence d'information agricole romande (AGIR)

Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias

Agenix Limited


AGES - Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit


AGF Seeds

AGF Seeds - Australian Grain & Forage Seeds

AgForce Staffing & Search

AgFunder Inc.


AgGenomics Pty Ltd

AgGrowth Coalition


Agilent Technologies

Agility Agriculture Ltd.

Aginfosys Inc.


Aginnovation LLC


AgLocker (BMIL Technologies)

AgLogic LLC





Agoro Carbon Alliance

Agortus AB

AgPeople Pty. Ltd.

AgPlenus Ltd.

AGPM - Association Générale des Producteurs de Maïs

AGPME - Asociación General de Productores de Maíz de España

AGR Partners

AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa)

Agradis Inc.

Agragen LLC

Agragene Inc.

Agrality SA

Agrando GmbH

AgraQuest, Inc.

Agrar Semillas SA

Agrarforschung Schweiz / Recherche Agronomique Suisse

Agrarisch Dagblad

Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH

Agrasys SL

Agratechniek B.V.



AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG


Agrela Ecosystems

AgReliant Genetics, LLC.

AgRenaissance Software



Agri Business & Farming Solutions

Agri Experience Ltd.

Agri Hebdo

Agri Information Partners B.V.

Agri Magic

Agri Marketing

Agri Network Srl

Agri NPK Consulting

Agri Obtention

Agri Obtentions*

AGRI-associates GmbH

Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute


Agri-Saaten GmbH

Agri-Science Queensland

Agri-Tech East

Agria Corporation


Agrian, Inc.

Agribio Holding B.V.

AgriBioTech México


Agrible, Inc.

Agribody Technologies, Inc.


Agribusiness Associates Inc.

Agricef Soluções Tecnológicas para Agricultura Ltda


Agricen Sciences

Agricenter International

Agricesem SRL

AgriChem B.V.

AgriClaim Canada Inc.

Agrico B.V.

AgriCoat LLC


Agricom Seeds



Agricore United

Agricultural Appointments

Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog

Agricultural Biotechnology Council (United Kingdom)

Agricultural Biotechnology Council of Australia (ABCA)

Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC)

Agricultural Engineering Co. LLC.

Agricultural Genetics Co. Ltd.

Agricultural Genetics Institute (Vietnam)

Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen

Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC)

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia / Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije (KIS)

Agricultural Machinery & Materials Co.

Agricultural Materials & Consultation Co.

Agricultural Materials Co.

Agricultural Research Council (ARC)

Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus)

Agricultural Research Institute Kromeriz Ltd.

Agricultural Retailers Association

Agricultural Seed Agency (Tanzania)

Agricultural Solutions LLC

Agriculture Victoria - Victoria, Department of Agriculture

Agriculture Victoria Services Pty. Ltd.

AgriData Innovations

Agridera Seeds & Agriculture Ltd.

Agrifirm - Royal Agrifirm Group

Agrifood Awareness Australia

AgriFutures Australia

Agrify Corporation

AgriGenesis Biosciences

AgriGenome Labs Pvt Ltd.


AgriHouse, Inc.


Agriland Company

Agrilead, Inc.

Agrim Ltd.

Agrimatco Latvia SIA

Agrimatco Service S.r.l.

AgriMAXX Wheat Co, LLC

AgriMetis LLC


Agrinature Indálica S.A.

Agrindo Hartha Mekar, Inc.

Agrinetwork Alliance


Agrinos AS

Agrinos, Inc.

Agrinova Co.

Agriphar Crop Solutions


AgriPlex Genomics

AgriPlus Agricultural Solutions

Agriplus Mali




Agriseeds Zimbabwe

Agrisem international SA

Agrisem S.r.l.

Agrisemen BV

AgriSeq Solutions Inc.

Agriso Seeds

Agrisoma Biosciences

Agristar do Brasil

AgriStrategy srl

AgriTec Inc.

Agritec Pty Ltd

Agritech Lavrale

Agritech New Zealand


AgriThority LLC

Agritu Sementes

Agrium, Inc.

AgriVentis Technologies

Agrivida, Inc.


Agro Amazônia

Agro Business Solutions VB

Agro Genesis Pte. Ltd.

Agro Innovation Lab GmbH

Agro Norte Pesquisa e Sementes

Agro Santa Rosa Semilleria

Agro Seed Service bvba

Agro Shelef Ltd.

Agro T Seeds Sdn Bhd


Agro-Bio Colombia - Asociación de Biotecnología Vegetal Agrícola

Agro-Sol Sementes




AgroBeta GmbH

AgroBIO México


Agrocampus Ouest CFR Angers



Agrocinco Comércio de Produtos Agropecuários Ltda.

Agroempresa Semillas SA

Agroeste Sementes

Agrofava Sementes




AgroHaitai Ltd.

Agroindustrial Company MAIS

Agroinsumos Dionisi SRL

Agrointec Solutions S.L.

Agroisia Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Agroisleña, C.A.

Agromais GmbH


Agromejoramiento y Semillas Bolívar (Agromes-Bolívar)

Agromen Tecnologia Ltda

Agromod, S.A. de C.V.

Agromonegros S.A.

Agronasaja SRL

Agronew Trading Co., Ltd.

Agronew Trading Co., Ltd.

Agronomix Software, Inc.



Agropolis International


Agroscope Ukraine

AgroSearch Ltd.


Agroselect Semences

AGROSEM - Associação Goiana dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas

Agrosem - Associação Goiana dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas

Agrosem SARL

Agroseme Invest


Agrosemillas S. A.

Agroservice spa


AgroSoler s.l.


AgroSpheres Inc.

Agrostat GmbH


Agroterra Group

Agrotime Limited

Agrotop GmbH

Agrovegetal SA

Agrovista UK Limited

Agrovive Biologicals LLC


Agrowplow Pty. Ltd.

Agroyoumis LLC


Agrozen Life Sciences

AgSense LLC

Agsoil Analytics Inc.

AgSource Cooperative Services

AgSource Seeds, Inc.

AGSouth Genetics LLC


AGT - Australian Grain Technologies Ltd.

AgTech Accelerator Corporation

AgTech Insight

AgTechnix Pty. Ltd.

AgTrax Technologies



AgVenture, Inc.


AgXecutives Search Inc.

AgXeed BV

AgXelerators Inc.

AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

AHEAD - Alliance for Wheat Adaption to Heat and Drought

Ahern Agribusiness, Inc.

Ahm Seed Technologies

Ahmadu Bello University

AIA - Associates in Advertising Limited

AIB - Anti-Infringement Bureau for Intellectual Property Rights on Plant Material

AIB Dr. Alexandra Tomerius

AIC - Agricultural Industries Confederation

AIC - Association Industries Confederation

AISC - Association Interprofessionnelle des Semences du Congo

Ajay Bio-tech (India) Ltd.

Ajeet Seeds Ltd.

AKER Betterave 2020

Akira Seeds S.L.

Akshay Seed Pvt. Ltd.

AKY Technology

Akyurek Technology

Al Darmaky for Contracting and Agricultural Materials

Al-Marryam International

Alabama A&M University

Alabama Crop Improvement Association

Alabama Crop Improvement Association Inc.

Alabama Seedsmen's Association

ALAP - Asociación de Laboratorios Agropecuarios Privados

Alaska Plant Materials Center

Albanian Association of Seed Producers

Albaugh LLC

Albert Lea Seed House

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Alberta Barley

Alberta Canola Producers Commission (ACPC)

Alberta Grains

Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions

Alberta Pulse Growers

Alberta Research Council

Alberta Seed Growers' Association

Alberta Seed Guide

Alberta Seed Industry Parnership

Alberta Wheat Commission

Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers (ABCSG)


Alf Christianson Seed Company

Alfaomega Miami International Corp.

Alfaseed Kft

Alforex Seeds

Alfred Vankorb GmbH

ALH International S.A.R.L.

Alheri Seeds Nigeria Limited

Ali Akbar Group Pakistan

Ali Akbar Seeds

Alianza Semillas S. A.

All Pakistan Seed Merchants and Seed Dealers Association (APSMTA)

All-America Selections

All-Tex Seed Inc

All-Tex Seed Inc.


ALLEA - European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities

Alliance for Accelerated Crop Improvement in Africa (ACACIA)

Alliance Seed Corporation

Alliance Seeds

Alliance Semillas S.A.

Allied Genetics LLC

Allied Seed, LLC

Allium Seeds UK Ltd.

Allseeds Srl

Alltech Crop Science


Almaz LLC

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals


Alosca Technologies


Alpen Adria Universität

Alpha BioPesticides Ltd.

Alpha Seed Company

AlphaGalileo Foundation

AlphaSun Seed

Alpine Bio

Alpine Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Alsafwa Alzeraeya LLC

Alta Seeds


Alterra Hemp

Altmarksaaten Stendal GmbH

Altria Group

Alveo Technologies

ALZ Semillas

Amar Immunodiagnostics Pvt. Ltd.

Amazone - Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer SE & Co. KG

AMEG Vegetable Seeds Consulting

America's Alfalfa

American Chemical Society

American Crystal Sugar Company

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF)

American Farmland Trust (AFT)

American Floral Endowment

American Genetics, Inc.

American Hemp Seed Genetic

American Hemp Ventures, Inc.

American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)

American Journal of Botany

American Peanut Council

American Robotics

American Seeds, Inc.

American Society for Microbiology

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists (ASSBT)

American Star Seeds

American Sugarbeet Growers Association (ASGA)

American Takii, Inc.

American Vanguard Corp.


Americot, Inc.

Amerland Seeds Ltd.

Amfora Inc.

Amhara Seed Enterprise

Aminata Quality Seeds and Consultancy Ltd.


Amiran Kenya Ltd.

Amit Biotech Pvt., Ltd.

AMITOM - International Mediterranean Association of Processed Tomatoes


Ampac Seed Company

Amphasys AG

Amplicon Express Inc.

AMPROSEM - Association Malgache des Professionnels des Semences et des Plants

Amritsar Seed Corporation

AMSAC - Asociacion Mexicana de Semilleros, A.C.

AMSP - Association Marocaine des Semences et Plants

AMSS - Association des Multiplicateurs de Semences SSélectionnées du Maroc

Amulix BV

AMVAC Chemical Corporation

Amynova Polymers GmbH

Analog Devices Inc.

Analytical Bio-Chemistry Laboratories, Inc.

Analytik Ltd.

ANAMSO - Association nationale d'agriculteurs multiplicateurs de semences

Ananta Vegetable Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

ANAPROSE - Asociacion Nacional de Productores de Semillas


Andalucia Investiga

Andermatt Group AG

Anderson Seed Company

Anderson's Seed and Garden

Andes Agriculture


Andrews Seed Co.

Anhui Hengji Seeds

Anhui Jianghuai Horticulture Seeds Co. Ltd.

Anhui Longping High-Tech Seeds Co. Ltd.

ANICAV - Associazione Nazionale Industriali Conserve Alimentari Vegetali

Ankur Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Ann Arbor Seed Company

Annogen B.V.

ANOVE - Asociación Nacional de Obtentores Vegetales

ANOVE - Asociacion Nacional de Obtentores Vegetales *

ANPII - Associação Nacional dos Produtores e Importadores de Inoculantes

ANPROS - Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas *

ANPROS - Asociacion Nacional de Productores de Semillas

ANPROSEM - Associação Nacional de Produtores de Sementes

ANSEME - Associacao Nacional dos Productores e Comerciantes de Sementes

Anseme S.p.A.

Anseme S.p.A. *

ANSOR - Afghanistan National Seed Organization

Antaris Seeds S.L.

Antufen Seeds Ltda.

Anuvia Plant Nutrients

Aone Seeds

AOSA - Association of Official Seed Analysts *

AOSCA - Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies

AOSCA - Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies *

AP Enterprises

APASEM - Associação Paranaense dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas

APASSUL - Associação dos Produtores e Comerciantes de Sementes e Mudas do RS

APBREBES - Association for Plant Breeding for the Benefit of Society*

APESEMILLAS - Asociación Peruana de Semillas

Apex Genetics Inc.


Apio, Inc.


Apollo Seeds USA, Inc.


APPI Semillas - Asociación Peruana de Productores e Importadores de Semillas

Applewood Seed Company

Applied Biotechnology Institute

Applied DNA Sciences

Applied Maths

APPN - Australian Plant Phenomics Network

APPPS - Associaçao Paulista dos Produtores de Sementes e Mudas

APPSN - Association des Producteurs Privés de Semences du Niger

Apricus Seeds

Apricus Seeds, LLC

APROSE - Asociacion Profesional de Empresarios Productores de Semillas Selectas

APROSEG - Asociacion de Productores de Semillas de Guatemala

Aprosem - Associação dos produtores de sementes de soja dos estados de Matopiba

APROSEM-BA - Associação dos Produtores de Sementes da Bahia

APROSEMP - Asociación de Productores de Semillas del Paraguay *

APROSEMP ~ Asociacion de Productores de Semillas de Paraguay


APROSMAT - Associaçao dos Produtores de Sementes de Mato Grosso

APROSMAT - Associação dos Produtores de Sementes de Mato Grosso *

APROSOJA - Associação de Produtores de Soja e Milho de Mato Grosso

APS - American Phytopathological Society

APSA (Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance)*

Apse LLC

Apsovsementi S.p.A.


Aquatrols Corporation of America

Aquilus International Pvt. Ltd.

Araújo Fontes

Arable Field Research

Arable Labs

Aragen Life Sciences

Aranex Biotech Inc.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Getreideforschung e. V. (AGF)

Arbor Biosciences

Arborea Ltd.

ArborGen, LLC

ARC – Small Grain Institute

ARC Center of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis

ARC Center of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls

ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology

Arc Institute

ARC, Egypt - Agriculture Research Center

ARCAD (Agropolis Resource Centre for Crop Conservation, Adaptation and Diversity)

Arcadia Biosciences


ArgenSeeds S.A.

Argenta Seeds BV

Argentina, Ministry of Agriculture

Argeto Vegetable Seeds

Argonne National Laboratory

Ariadne Inc.

Ariki Seed Ltd

Aris BV

ARISC - Association of Russian Independent Seed Companies

Arista Cereal Technologies

Arizona Crop Improvement Association

Arizona Plant Breeders Inc.

Arizona State University

Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board

Arkansas Seed Dealers Association

Arkansas State University

Arkion Life Sciences

Arkion Life Sciences LLC

Arlabion Ltd.


Armor Seed LLC

Armor Semences

Aromyx, Inc.

Arpan Seeds Pvt. Ltd.

Arrow Seed

Arrows Up, Inc.


Arum d.o.o.

Arushi Crop Sciences Pvt. Ltd.

Arva Intelligence

ARVALIS - Institut du Végétal


Arvinas Inc.

Arysta LifeScience Corporation

Arzeda Corporation

AS Dotnuva Baltic

ASA - American Society of Agronomy

ASA - American Soybean Association

ASA - Asociación de Semilleros Argentinos

ASA - Asociacion Semilleros Argentinos

ASA - Atlantic Seed Association



ASCOP - Association of Seed Companies of Pakistan

Ascribe Bioscience Inc.

ASEBIO - ciación Española de Bioempresas

ASEHOR - Asociación de los Semilleros Hortícolas

ASEHOR - Asociación de Semilleros Hortícolas

ASEHOR -- Asociacion de los Semilleros Horticolas

ASF - Australian Seed Federation


Ashoka Seeds

ASHS (American Society of Horticultural Science)

Asia & Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)

Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

Asia Seed Co., Ltd

Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology (APCoAB)

Asian Seed Magazine

Asilomar Bio Inc.

Asiosasi Perbenihan Indonesia

Ask Attis BV


ASM - Advanced Sorting Machines

Asociación Argentina de Girasol (ADAGIR)

Asociación Argentina de Obtentores Vegetales (ArPOV)

Asociación de Cooperativas Argentinas (ACA)

Asociación Española del Girasol (AEG)

Asociación Mexicana de Horticultura Protegida (AMHPAC)

Asociación PRObio

Asociación Semilleros Argentinos (ASA)

Asociación Venezolana de Semillas (AVESEM)

Asociacion de Productores de Oleaginosas y Trigo

Asociatión Paraguaya de Obtentores (Parpov)

ASOSEMILLA - Asociación de Semillerista de la República Dominicana

ASOSEMILLAS - Asociacion Colombiana de Semillas

ASOSEMILLAS - Asociacion de Productores de Semillas

Asoyia LLC

ASP-Quality Support

Aspara Pacific Ltd

ASPB (American Society of Plant Biologists)


ASPRODES - Asociacion de Productores de Semillas de El Salvador

ASPROSEM - Asociacion Sanjuanina de Productores de Semillas

ASPSCO - All Sindh Private Seed Companies Organization

ASPSP - Association sur les Semences Paysannes au Sénégal

ASR Seeds Ltd.

ASS - Association Suisse des Sélectionneurs

Assam Agricultural University


Associação Brasileira de Horticultura

Associação Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas (SBMP)

Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Sementes de Milho

Associação Nacional de Biossegurança (ANBio)

Associated Press

Association des Sélectionneurs Français

Association des Semenciers Obtenteurs de Légumes du Maroc (ASOL Maroc)

Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa

Association for Vertical Farming

Association Française de Protection des Plantes (AFPP)

Association Française des Biotechnologies Végétales (AFBV)

Association Française pour la Production Fourragère (AFPF)

Association Marocaine des Multiplicateurs de Semences (AMMS)

Association Nationale de la Meunerie Française (ANMF)

Association Nationale des Opérateurs Semenciers du Burkina

Association nationale des semenciers de Côte d'Ivoire (ANASEMCI)

Association nationale des semenciers du Bénin (ANaSeB)

Association of Applied Biologists (AAB)

Association of Horticulture Professionals

Association of Seed Producers

Association of Seed Scientists’ of Nigeria (ASSN)

Association pour le dévelopment de la betterave fourragère monogerme - ADBFM

Association Regionale des Semenciers des Lagunes (ARLASEMCI)

Association sénégalaise de producteurs de semences paysannes (ASPSP)

Association Semencière du Mali (ASSEMA)

Association Semencière Sous-Régionale Sénégal / Mauritanie

Association Suisse des Sélectionneurs (ASS)

Associazione Rurale Italiana (ARI)

Associazione Sementieri Mediterranei (ASSEME)


Assosementi - Associazione Italiana Sementi

Assosementi - Associazione Italiana Sementi *

ASTA - American Seed Trade Association

ASTA - American Seed Trade Association*

ASTEC Global

ASTEC Seed Technology

Asteraseed SAS

Aston University

Astro 34

ASUR Plant Breeding

Atash Seeds

ATC Group

Ateliers Dorez

Ateliers Dorez

Athena Intelligence

Athenix Corporation

Atlantic Seed Association

Atlas Turf International Limited

Atlántica Agrícola

Atlântica Sementes Ltda.


Atticus LLC

Atto Adriana Sementes

Attune Agriculture

Auburn University

Augusta Seed

AUM LifeTech Inc.

Aurea Systems GmbH

Aurora Cannabis Inc.

Ausallium Pty. Ltd.


Aussie Colours

Australia, Department of Agriculture

Australian Academy of Science

Australian Centre for Field Robotics

Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG)

Australian Cereal Rust Control Program (ACRCP)

Australian Cotton Growers Research Association (ACGRA)

Australian Crop Breeders Ltd.

Australian Field Crop Association Ltd.

Australian Glyphosate Sustainability Working Group

Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI)

Australian Melon Association

Australian Mungbean Association

Australian National University (ANU)

Australian Oilseeds Federation

Australian Organic

Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority

Australian Premium Seeds Pty. Ltd.

Australian Seed Bank Partnership

Australian Seed Federation

Australis Seed Company

Austria, Government

Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB)

Austrosaat - Österreichische Samenzucht- u. Handels-Aktiengesellschaft

AUSVEG (Australian Vegetable Growers Federation)



Avalo, Inc.


Averis Seeds B.V.

AVESEM - Asociacion Venezolana de Empresas de Semillas

Avesthagen Ltd.

Aveve BV

Avoca, Inc.


AWB Limited


AWS Personalmarketing GmbH

AXA Climate


Axia Sementi srl

Axia Vegetable Seeds B.V.

Axis Seed

Axter Agroscience Inc.

Ayub Agricultural Research Institute

Azerbaijan Seed Production LLC

Azotic Technologies Ltd.

Azseeds LLC

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