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Energy crops

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July 31, 2023

Sorghum is clearly suitable for methane production
Le sorgho a de sérieux atouts pour la méthanisation

November 12, 2021

Bioenergy crops better for biodiversity than food-based agriculture

April 7, 2020

Making biofuels cheaper by putting plants to work - Berkeley Lab researchers describe how biofuels can achieve cost parity with petroleum fuels

February 27, 2019

When temp drops, Siberian Miscanthus plants surpass main bioenergy variety

January 22, 2019

Scientists discover new ‘architecture’ in corn - Louisiana State University scientists’ findings may improve biofuel production

February 22, 2018

Gene improves plant growth and conversion to biofuels

January 16, 2018

New study shows producers where and how to grow cellulosic biofuel crops

January 8, 2018

Pesquisadores identificam gene que pode aumentar eficiência na produção de etanol

March 17, 2016

Biodiesel from sugarcane more economical than soybean

US government’s Advanced Research Project Agency – Energy (Apra-E) sets sights on grass in bid to make a better biofuel (The Guardian)

August 7, 2014

New switchgrass variety promises more biofuel at lower cost
Nueva variedad del césped Panicum virgatum tiene potencial para producir el biocombustible más económico

June 2, 2014

Bioenergy sorghum could help with greenhouse gas emissions

February 11, 2014

Charleena KWS: Die neue Rübe für Biogas - Neuzulassung überzeugt mit sehr hohem Trockenmasseertrag und guter Blattgesundheit

January 23, 2014

New tool calculates impact of bioenergy crops on soil quality

January 2, 2014

What is Enogen corn? (Agri-View)

November 18, 2013

Brasil - DuPont apresenta tecnologias para o mercado de etanol de milho (Cultivar)

June 10, 2013

New enzyme technology saves up to 5% corn in ethanol - New technology allows the biofuels industry to produce more ethanol with less corn while saving energy and improving profits

April 17, 2013

North Dakota, USA - Energy beet trial plots show success in dry conditions

March 20, 2013

Energy sugarbeet juice can be stored for ethanol production

March 13, 2013

Neu im agaSAAT Sortiment: Energierübe ENERGARCI sorgt für Top-Biogaserträge

February 15, 2013

Energy beet performance confirmed in trial

January 10, 2013

Lower nitrogen losses with perennial biofuel crops

November 7, 2012

Embrapa mostra potencial do sorgo durante evento sobre bioenergia

November 6, 2012

Optimising biogas output with energy rich maize varieties (Farmers Guardian)

October 30, 2012

Switching to an energy crop: break even or make a profit?

September 27, 2012

O sorgo como fonte alternativa de agroenergia

Napiergrass: a potential biofuel crop for the sunny Southeastern U.S.
La hierba elefante: Un cultivo perenne de biocombustible para el sudeste de EE.UU.

September 23, 2012

Studies show energy beets can be grown in non-traditional sugarbeet areas (Minnesota Farm Guide)

September 20, 2012

New uses for old tools could boost biodiesel output
Nuevos usos para algunas viejas herramientas podrían aumentar la producción de biodiesel

September 6, 2012

Immature switchgrass could help cellulosic ethanol industry
Plantas jóvenes del césped Panicum virgatum podrían beneficiar al sector de etanol celulósico


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