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Wageningen University & Research

January 12, 2015

First ever working sweet-pepper harvesting robot
Eerste werkende paprika-oogstrobot

December 16, 2014

First two MOOCs of Wageningen UR start in January

Wageningen University offers new online master specialisation in plant breeding

December 15, 2014

Dozens of pathogens checked simultaneously
Tientallen ziekteverwekkers, in één keer gecheckt

December 10, 2014

Improve LED-lighting to reduce energy consumption for greenhouse lighting by half

December 1, 2014

Met ledverlichting energieverbruik glastuinbouw halveren

November 3, 2014

New publication on detection and diagnostics of plant pathogens

October 30, 2014

LED lighting can significantly reduce greenhouse horticulture energy consumption
Ledverlichting kan energieverbruik glastuinbouw sterk terugdringen

October 20, 2014

Biodiversity can drive evolution in plant communities

September 18, 2014

En la universidad de Wageningen, Holanda, investigadores de Holanda y Alemania desarrollan un invernadero libre de plagas (HortoInfo)

September 17, 2014

Help to develop apps for agriculture and horticulture

September 16, 2014

Lighting strategies for LEDs in greenhouse horticulture

July 28, 2014

Seeds keep vital much longer when stored without oxygen

July 7, 2014

Duurzaam beheersen van vliegenplagen bij bonen- en aspergeteelt

May 27, 2014

Spray tests with unprecedented accuracy

First ‘Phytophthora map’ of Europe

May 21, 2014

LED lamp to make strawberries tastier and healthier
Ledlamp moet aardbei nog lekkerder én gezonder maken

Desarrollan un robot para coger pimientos en invernadero (Horto Info)

May 20, 2014

Robot harvests autonomously first sweet-peppers in the greenhouse
Robot oogst zelfstandig eerste paprika's in de kas

April 14, 2014

Innovation and Demonstration Centres: innovation engine for horticulture

April 1, 2014

Plants for supporting Orius species

March 12, 2014

Wageningen University commits to distance learning

February 19, 2014

3D plant model now also considers spectral light

January 27, 2014

BIOCOMES: new biological control products for farmers and foresters

January 23, 2014

New tool calculates impact of bioenergy crops on soil quality

January 20, 2014

Development of faster methods to measure air borne spores in greenhouses

January 6, 2014

Database with all publications of Wageningen UR revised

December 13, 2013

Unique approach to better combat phytophthora in potatoes

November 4, 2013

Putting biological nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers - Improved legume technologies can boost entire farming system from the ground up

October 25, 2013

Gerbera growth model for growers

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