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Wageningen University & Research

September 25, 2015

How predictive models for flavour levels of vegetables and fruits can benefit breeders
Rekenmodel voorspelt smaak van groente en fruit: winst voor veredelaars

September 23, 2015

Gewasstructuur Tomaat

September 10, 2015

Food's fingerprint reveals many secrets
Vingerafdruk van voedsel: geeft veel geheimen prijs

September 4, 2015

Resistance genes from wild relatives of crops offer opportunities for more sustainable agriculture worldwide
Resistentie-genen van wilde verwanten van gewassen bieden wereldwijd kansen voor duurzamere landbouw

August 31, 2015

Champost against the root knot nematode in organic greenhouse horticulture 
Champost tegen wortelknobbelaaltjes in de biologische teelt van vruchtgroenten 

August 28, 2015

Growing cucumber and sweet pepper in water efficient zero emission greenhouse

August 24, 2015

Wageningen soil expertise portrayed in a film

June 22, 2015

Turkse groentetelers besparen water met de AquaTag

June 9, 2015

Roaming climate measuring box prevents condensation and saves energy
Wandelende meetbox voorkomt natslag en spaart energie

June 8, 2015

Platform Saprotrofe schimmels in substraat van start

June 2, 2015

Simple soilless cultivation
Simpele substraatteelt in het buitenland

June 1, 2015

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the scene makes harvesting robot more effective
Driedimensionaal beeld maakt oogstrobot efectiever

May 29, 2015

Shelters for predatory mites
Schuilplekken voor roofmijten

May 28, 2015

Research with new type soil moisture sensor for soil grown crops

May 27, 2015

First step towards global attack on potato blight

May 19, 2015

Use of low intensity LED light during the dark period in seasonal flowers
Lage intensiteit LED belichting in zomerbloemen en trekheesters

New flavour model galia melons is now available
Nieuw smaakmodel galiameloen in gebruik genomen

Wageningen invests in optical mapping facility for fast and accurate genome analysis

May 18, 2015

New flavour model galia melons is now available
Nieuw Smaakmodel Galia meloen in gebruik genomen

May 7, 2015

Freesia: Use of low intensity LED light during dark period
Freesia belicht met lage lichtintensiteit LED tijdens donkerperiode

March 30, 2015

Scientists find new defence front against potato late blight

March 12, 2015

Mengteelt is goed voor de bodem
Intercropping is good for the soil

March 5, 2015

Video system for rapid assessment of plant resistance to insects

March 4, 2015

On the road to eleven biocontrol agents

February 5, 2015

En un invernadero comercial, rl robot para cosechar pimiento empieza a trabajar el día 12 (HortoInfo)

January 29, 2015

Understanding melons - Faster breeding thanks to smart combination of techniques

January 22, 2015

Nieuw licht op tomaten

Better local bugs for biocontrol: is it in their genes?

Just launched: website containing all information about Dutch agriculture 

January 14, 2015

Desarrollado en la Universidad de Wageningen, el robot para cosechar pimientos es ya una realidad (Horto Info)

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