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Wageningen University & Research

September 5, 2024

Detect viruses at lightning speed with raman spectroscopy
Razendsnel virussen opsporen met raman spectroscopie

July 11, 2024

How to ensure your farming business keeps pace with a changing climate
Hoe je je boerenbedrijf laat meebewegen in een veranderend klimaat

July 2, 2024

Can soybeans be grown in a protected environment?
Kunnen sojabonen in een beschermde omgeving worden geteeld?

May 17, 2024

AI will unravel secrets of non-coding genes
AI gaat geheimen van niet-coderende genen ontrafelen

April 25, 2024

Greenhouse horticulture is taking an important step in energy transition by capturing CO2 from outside air
Glastuinbouw zet belangrijke stap in energietransitie met afvangen CO2 uit buitenlucht

November 28, 2023

Effective vaccine against cow parasite thanks to modification of sugar structures in plant
Effectief vaccin tegen koeienparasiet dankzij aanpassingsuikerstructuren in plant

November 22, 2023

How to make petunias naturally orange - Biotechnologist Sara Abdou explores the genetics that regulate colour in ornamental flowers.(Nature)

July 27, 2023

Extreme weather at Unifarm: with so many crops, how do you ensure they stay wet or dry enough?
Extreem weer op Unifarm, hoe houd je zoveel gewassen nat of droog genoeg?

January 9, 2023

Towards Clavibacter-resistant tomato varieties (HortiDaily)

June 2, 2022

Study shows 14% increase in tomato yields with interlighting (LEDs Magazine)

May 19, 2022

GE Current and Wageningen University & Research share data from an intra-canopy lighting study

May 17, 2022

Sensor receives panic signals from plant under attack
Sensor ontvangt stresssignalen van aangevallen plant

March 23, 2022

Indoor growing of sweet pepper, what are the options?
Paprika daglichtloos telen, wat zijn de mogelijkheden?

March 1, 2022

Nitrogen in the air can be used as fertilizer
Stikstof in de lucht als basis voor meststof

February 16, 2022

Can soilborne diseases be combated with biorationals?
Kunnen ondergrondse ziekten bestreden worden met biorationals?

February 2, 2022

Can artificial intelligence grow a lettuce crop completely autonomously?
Kan kunstmatige intelligentie volledig autonoom een slagewas telen?

January 7, 2022

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds
Sleutelgen ontdekt om gewassen zaden te laten maken die genetisch identiek zijn aan moederplant

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds through apomixis - The discovery is expected to lead to major innovations in plant breeding over the coming years

January 6, 2022

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds through apomixis

December 21, 2021

Sensors visualise potato growth
Sensoren brengen groei van aardappelen in beeld

December 16, 2021

Better crop control starts at the roots
Betere sturing van gewas begint bij de wortels

December 15, 2021

Camera on tractor sees whether biological crop protection is necessary
Camera op tractor ziet of biologische gewasbescherming nodig is

December 10, 2021

Controlled indoor cultivation without daylight comes of age
Gecontroleerde teelt in daglichtloze hallen wordt volwassen

December 6, 2021

‘Friends with benefits’: bacteria, fungi, and viruses essential for improving sustainability in crop protection
‘Friends with benefits’: bacteriën, schimmels en virussen essentieel bij verduurzaming gewasbescherming

December 1, 2021

Less ploughing enables carbon storage in agricultural soils
Minder ploegen maakt koolstof opslag mogelijk in landbouwbodems

October 15, 2021

Plants can prepare for insect attack sequence
Plant voorbereid op aanvalsvolgorde van insecten

September 17, 2021

The microbial molecule that turns plants into zombies
Bacteriemolecuul verandert planten in zombies

September 16, 2021

Plant immunity: shedding more light on a black box

August 5, 2021

Celebrating 15 years of horticultural development at the Horti Science Park

July 13, 2021

Sustainable and future-proof potato cultivation visualised in knowledge clips from Holland Innovative Potato
Maak kennis met duurzame en toekomstbestendige aardappelteelt via de kennisclips van Holland Innovative Potato



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