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KeyGene NV

May 15, 2024

Keygene, Inventor Talks - Targeted translocations with Paul Bundock

October 18, 2022

KeyGene - Technology innovation opens up

March 24, 2022

Phenome Networks, in collaboration with KeyGene, introduces PhenoGene, a game-changing solution for plant breeders to optimize breeding strategies.

January 7, 2022

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds
Sleutelgen ontdekt om gewassen zaden te laten maken die genetisch identiek zijn aan moederplant

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds through apomixis - The discovery is expected to lead to major innovations in plant breeding over the coming years

January 6, 2022

Gene discovered crucial to making crop plants produce clonal seeds through apomixis

September 9, 2020

New advances on apomixis from KeyGene: breeding plants identical to their mother

April 30, 2020

Plant behavior translated into data to optimize algorithms
Plantgedrag vertaald in data om algoritmen te optimaliseren

October 31, 2018

New selection technology broadens posibilities in plant and animal breeding

July 23, 2018

Next generation breeding starts in the simulator

November 23, 2016

Seed treatments, let’s get the full picture!

September 22, 2016

CropPedia: the intelligent linking pin between big data and new crops

July 17, 2016

Improved shelf life melon at IFAMA 2016 - KeyGene presented the workshop "New crops for the future: Disruptive innovations for Food Security"

February 28, 2016

Apomixis breeding: the paradigm is shifting

January 15, 2016

KeyGene’s biotic stress research: boosting the plant’s defense mechanisms

September 9, 2015

Keygene newsletter - Digital phenotyping: New features & reduced pricing for KeyBox

June 16, 2015

Keygene product of the month: ‹Crop›Pedia 

June 15, 2015

Effect of Syngenta's novel seed-applied fungicide, Vibrance on corn succesfully tested in KeyGene's digital phenotyping facility, PhenoFab

January 13, 2015

PhenoFab bridges the gap between genomics and phenomics

May 12, 2014

KeyGene expands the use of robotized and automated phenotyping towards the
development of new agro chemicals, seed treatments and biologicals

May 7, 2014

DISCOVER ><  Keygene's KeyPoint Mutation Breeding

March 11, 2014

PGC Asia – Focus on next generation sequencing - From next generation sequencing to breeding value

June 9, 2006

Fast sequencing technology Genome Sequencer 20 System now also used in genotyping

January 12, 2006

Keygene launches CRoPSTM technology platform for largescale polymorphism discovery and detection


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