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September 13, 2024

Funding boost for sustainable pulse crops - Aberystwyth University is one of four UK research organisations to have won £3m of Defra funding to develop climate resilient legumes

September 12, 2024

Increased funding for sustainable pulse crops in the United Kingdom

September 9, 2024

The organic trial field enabled Rijk Zwaan to make a difference

Unibo e CREA insieme per Expanding frontiers for crop genetics, la 67esima edizione del Congresso annuale della Società italiana di Genetica Agraria

September 5, 2024

Teams from around the world tackle autonomous dwarf tomato cultivation in the greenhouses of Wageningen University & Research in Bleiswijk
Teams uit de hele wereld in Bleiswijk aan de slag met autonome teelt van dwergtomaten

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

France - Un nouvel outil pour étudier et sélectionner les semences de fourrages à l'INRAe, Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (La Nouvelle République)

September 3, 2024

Gesellschaft für Europäische Züchtungsforschung (EUCARPIA) trifft sich in Leipzig

United Kingdom - Thirty years-plus of Weed Research Organization (WRO) research at your fingertips

September 2, 2024

Stef de Haan appointed professor by special appointment in Seed Systems and Agrobiodiversity at Wageningen University & Research

Innovation : face au changement climatique, les phytostérols sécurisent les rendements et la rentabilité des cultures

August 28, 2024

James Hutton INstitute to co-lead a new UK-wide centre to develop planet-friendly alternatives to animal proteins

French researchers make strides in enhancing strawberry quality through genetic breakthrough‌ - University of Bordeaux study identifies genetic markers to improve fruit traits without compromising flavor or color (Zenger)

August 27, 2024

Bayer Crop Science blends gen AI and data science for innovative edge (CIO)

Investment in agriculture gene editing grew 206% YoY in H1 2024, hinting at sector recovery and new momentum

August 26, 2024

IPK und JKI schaffen gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe zur Kartoffelforschung in Groß Lüsewitz

August 23, 2024

Innovative field experiments shed light on biological clocks in nature

Innovative field experiments shed light on biological clocks in nature

Zuckerrüben auf dem Erdkabeltrassen-Testfeld

August 22, 2024

Genschere schaltet sich mit eingebauten Timer ab - Bonner Forschende klären Selbstregulierung der Immunantwort im Bakterien-Abwehrsystem CRISPR auf

Maize soil nitrogen supply

Researchers uncover the secrets of “plant puberty”

August 21, 2024

Ireland - Six decades of crops research at Teagasc Oak Park (Agriland)

August 14, 2024

CROPS4DELTA,  a one-year seed project that aims to explore the potential for international collaborations between Dutch and Vietnamese partners, focusing on the breeding and value-chain development of salt-tolerant crops in the Mekong Delta

How bread dough gave rise to civilisation

August 12, 2024

Zusammenarbeit liegt nahe: Internationales DLG-Pflanzenbauzentrum besucht Julius-Kühn Institut

August 8, 2024

Farm24 highlights: Exploring NIAB's innovative work beyond the field

DNA Topoisomerase insights hold potential for drug discovery and plant protection

August 6, 2024

Genedata Selector 10 revolutionizes R&D workflows in agricultural biotechnology - Major software release enables breeding and crop protection organizations to automate and scale up R&D workflows via a single digital platform

August 5, 2024

Research from Liverpool John Moores University’s School of Biological and Environmental Sciences is boosting commercial production of Miscanthus grass, a key material for the burgeoning biomass energy sector



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