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Forage crops

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All Africa Asia/Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East North America


July 3, 2024

Deutschland - Eiweißbilanz: Anteil heimischer Hülsenfrüchte in Futtermitteln fällt um 6,5 Prozent

May 2, 2024

Serbia - Grain and feed, annual report

April 26, 2024

Donau Soja - Ukraine is most important European soya supplier for EU’s livestock industry

April 19, 2024

United Kingdom - Grain and feed, annual report

European Union - Grain and feed, annual report

April 16, 2024

Ukraine - Grain and feed, annual report

October 16, 2023

A troubling year of drought, floods, and soaring inflation - The total grass-seed acreage for the 2023 harvest was down, and we expect it to decrease even further for the 2024 crop

April 7, 2023

France - Variétés fourragères : Malgré la baisse des surfaces, le marché des semences reste tendu (Web-agri)

March 27, 2023

France - Les mélanges multi-espèces de courte durée gagnent du terrain (La France Agricole)

June 3, 2022

Deutschland - Deutlich mehr heimische Leguminosen verfüttert (Top Agrar)

May 23, 2022

United Kingdom - Grain and feed, annual report

May 19, 2022

France - Semences : surfaces en baisse pour la récolte 2022, s'inquiète la Fnams (Le Paysan Tarnais)

May 6, 2022

Serbia - Grain and feed, annual report

April 27, 2022

European Union - Grain and feed, annual report

Silomaisanbau weltweit

April 20, 2022

Turkey - Grain and feed, annual report

March 30, 2022

Deutschland - Veröffentlichung der Daten zum vorläufiges Futteraufkommen im Wirtschaftsjahr 2020/2021

October 28, 2021

Schweiz - Bilanz der Erntesituation 2021 durch swiss granum
Suisse - Bilan de situation de la récolte 2021 par swiss granum

September 20, 2021

Agricultores de Mallorca y Menorca reciben 203.000 kilos de semillas forrajeras (Mallorca Services)

September 17, 2021

España - Agricultura reparte un 40% más de semilla certificada de forraje a agricultores de Mallorca y Menorca que en 2020 (Europa Agro)

August 2, 2021

Ireland - Sales of clover seed rocket as farmers aim to reduce fertiliser bills (Agriland)

June 23, 2021

Bundesinformationszentrum Landwirtschaft veröffentlicht erste Eiweißbilanz für Deutschland

April 27, 2021

Ukraine - Grain and feed, annual report

April 19, 2021

Turkey - Grain and feed, annual report

December 23, 2020

European Union feed industry outlook for 2021 (FeedNavigator)

October 7, 2020

Bundesinformationszentrum Landwirtschaft - Mischfutterherstellung 2019/20

May 6, 2020

European Union - Grain and feed, annual report

May 1, 2020

Serbia - Grain and feed, annual report

April 10, 2020

Turkey - Grain and feed, annual report

September 2, 2019

Oise, France - 2019, une bonne année pour les semences fourragères (L'Oise Agricole)


Better Food Venture's
AgTech Landscape 2019



2019 THRIVE Top 50
landscape map


Concentration in Seed Markets - Potential Effects and Policy Responses

(OECD December 2018)

Visualizing Consolidation
in the Global Seed Industry

Seed Industry Structure

Phil Howard
Associate Professor
Michigan State University


2017 Seed Company Family Tree
Ccreated Septebmer 2017
by Robert Walsh
WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

Syngenta Brands Family Tree
Ccreated January 2017 by Robert Walsh, WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

World Vegetable Map 2018



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