The greenhouse horticulture sector is in the midst of a transition from the linear “Take-Make-Waste” system to a circular “Reuse” one. But how to reduce, reroute and reuse the various flows? And how to differentiate over low, mid and high-tech solutions?
aimed at creating mechanisms that will support Integrated Pest Management though looking at pesticides-related policies, the role of the various stakeholders and innovative (technical) solutions. Participants will enhance their ability to identify and solve problems in ...
Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
Participants learn how to design demand driven interventions tailored to specific crops, value chains and seed systems. The overall objective of the programme is to enhance the capabilities to translate the ISSD concept into strategies for making seed programmes and pol...
Upon completion of the course you will understand the link between primary production, post-harvest management, the supply chain and food security; be familiar with alternative uses of food waste; have insight into the public and private responsibilities in the supply c...
Ter gelegenheid van het 100-jarig bestaan organiseert Wageningen University & Research samen met KeyGene de middag Plantenveredeling: successen uit het verleden, voedsel voor de toekomst! Aansluitend organiseren SeedValley en WUR een Carrière Event waar veredelingsbedr...
The target audience consists of professionals active in the breeding, production, logistic, trade and retail industry with a focus on postharvest quality control.
Legal, institutional and technical aspects will be introduced through lectures, discussions and working groups. Also exploitation of plant breeders rights: enforcing rights, royalty collection, farm saved seed.
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
The course is aimed at creating mechanisms that will support Integrated Pest Management though looking at pesticides-related policies, the role of the various stakeholders and innovative (technical) solutions.
Overall objective is to enhance the capabilities to translate the ISSD concept into strategies for making seed programmes and policies that seek enhancement by connecting to present practices. The training is experience-based and task-oriented and highly interactive.
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen, Netherlands
he course will use a mix of lectures, discussions, group work and field trips to offer background, theoretical foundations, as well as practical approaches for production and market development.
Enables professional plant breeders and researchers to upgrade their knowledge parallel with their current career. This course aims to add academic knowledge to professional experience of plant breeders worldwide.
Future trends in nutrition for both humans and animals show that the formulation of food and feed products will face an increasing challenge of a global protein shortage. Solutions to this challenge require a multi-targeted approach including efficient use of existing p...
This course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders’ Rights in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed or has recently been passed and a better understanding of how a Plant Variety Protection System wo...